Need your prayers please!! Long post...

on 5/17/04 10:00 am
Well, first off, I'm happy to hear that most of you all had a great time this weekend and I was very sad that I didn't go (I had planned on going last minute, but after a few things that happened to me this weekend, it was better this way!) Well, for the last several months, I've been experiencing pain in my left knee from time to time. I figured it was the shift in weight after weight loss and major hanging skin over my knee (from thigh). Well, since I started working out at CURVES a couple of months ago, I noticed that I'd get a pain in my leg that would last a couple of days, then it would go away. I figured it was the lack of exercise and it was just my body getting into the groove of things. WELL. A couple of weeks ago I noticed (while stretching and cooling off after working out) that my knees would grind, like it was bone on bone...friction...actual grinding. I've been in pain for the last 2 weeks, almost non stop. There have been a few times in the past few months where my knee would literally buckle and I'd almost fall to the ground. Well, it's happened more often in these last 2 weeks and I finally gave in and went to the dr. Well, he thinks I've worn out all the cartilage and it's probably from all the weight I've been carrying all these years. I was sent to get an x-ray and an MRI so he can see for sure and then send me to an orthopaedic (sp?) dr. I went on Friday to get the tests done, and well, they couldn't do it without a negative pregnancy test, because, well, I'm late! Those who know me or who've read my LENGTHY profile know that I've been fighting with baby fever for a long time. My hubby and I just started "trying, but not really trying..." in other words, no protection, if it happens, it happens. Anywho. I was pretty sure I wasn't pregnant (trying not to get my hopes up) and I got a call earlier that I wasn't pregnant, for sure. I'm kind of bummed out (I guess it's normal). I kind of wanted to be pregnant, but I know that right now definitely isn't the time, not with my knees all messed up. I wouldn't be able to get around easily. I'd be in pain and misery during the long awaited, most incredible time of my life?! So, this afternoon, I got my x-rays and MRI done. Results should be ready by tomorrow and I'll check in w/ my dr. to see what he says. He'll have to refer me, but I need to get the ball rolling, to get this fixed up asap. I didn't want to have another surgery (unless I was going to walk out prettier than I went in!! ) Soooooo, I'm really just asking for your prayers. I hope that whatever is wrong w/ my knee is nothing majorly major and just somthing that can be done w/ a non-invasive type of surgery. I want to be up and around in as short of a time frame as possible to get the baby making under way.... again! No, but seriously. I just need to get back to working out. Well, enough of your time already. Take care and may God bless you all! --Lisa N 498/278/??
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 10:54 am - Houston, TX
Sending Prayers your way.. PEACE
Cheryl M.
on 5/17/04 10:55 am - H'lands, TX
Hi Lisa. Bless your heart sweetie. You are definitely in my prayers. I "blew out" my knee a couple of years ago, so I know your pain. Knee pain is the pits! Please let us know what the orthopaedic surgeon says tomorrow. Cheryl
on 5/17/04 11:09 am - Timpson, TX
You are in my prayers. Please let us know when you find out more information. God Bless, Rebecca
on 5/17/04 11:20 am - Arlington, TX
You will definately be in my prayers, sweetie. Maureeniiiieee
on 5/17/04 11:59 am - Lewisville, TX
Lisa...OHHH sweetie I'm sorry your knee is jacking w/you..I'll definatley keep you in my need to get that knee fixed so you can start that baby making process.. ((Hugs)) Cher
on 5/17/04 12:17 pm - Sandia, TX
Hi, Lisa Been there, done that, a couple4 of times. The surgery I had was orthoscopic and they smoothed out the end of the bones. There are other things they might do that are not surgical. I'm preop and I've taken glucosamine/chondroitin for years and it helps me. This is something I'm going to have to work out with my surgeon. If they have to do the surgery, it's more annoying than anything else. And you'll feel better. Good luck. Spinning Diva Joanne
Shelly I.
on 5/17/04 3:00 pm - Odessa, TX
Lisa Scarlet O'Nunez!! I sure miss you at CURVES! I haven't had anyone to talk to (Babs doesn't count cuz I have to listen to her incessant chatter all day long - can you tell I am spending too much time with my mom?). So I had to actually talk to the Stuck-up Skinny Lady who never smiles or makes eye contact with any of us. Oh I know, I could have talked to Non-stop Trisha - but where's the challenge in that? So back to the lady...I thought she pretended she didn't hear me when I tried to talk to her but then after talking with her, I realized that she might be a little hard of hearing. Dang it! That made me feel so bad I actually talked to the other lady who never smiles. I need you!!!! I'm sorry about the PT. I know that feeing, wanting it so badly even though you know the time is not really right. When you find out it's negative, you end up mourning the child who only existed in your heart. Keep your chin up Sweetie, your time will come. About that knee, I can completely sympathize, you know I can. Keep me posted. Shelly
Teresa D.
on 5/17/04 3:32 pm - Garland, TX
My prayers are with you, Lisa ! Please keep us posted.
Monique So Sweet
on 5/17/04 11:52 pm - The most southern tip of..., TX
Sorry to hear about your knee. I will send prayers your way. By the way, I enjoyed talking to you last week, I went for my consultation with Dr. Hilmy and he is AWESOME! But I will talk with you about that later. Take it easy and take care. Bye!
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