Regarding the ONLY low point of the conference

Cheryl K.
on 5/17/04 6:29 am - Waco, TX
As a preop, I stand in awe of what others accomplish. I hope to God that I never do something like that. My self esteme isn't always the best & I can feel for anyone that heard somone put them down over the hard work they did. Some people just need to grow up. Cheryl K. 6/22/04 - 37 days & counting.
Yvonne McCarthy
on 5/17/04 6:43 am - Plano, TX
That's why we talk about it. My self esteem hasn't really recovered either but it's way better. Hopefully next meeting or next year if anyone talks either way, someone will step up to the plate and say "let's not go there ok?". When I had a month to go, I made a calendar like kids do waiting for Christmas! I tore off a sticker every day counting down the days!!!
Kim Gregory
on 5/17/04 7:19 am - KEITHVILLE, LA
OK...I guess I have to say something too. I felt a little awkward at times only because I had people giving me odd looks. I also felt that some people were talking about me behind my back and that really upset me. I am so very proud that I have lost this weight, and I am proud that I did not have any plastic surgery......thank you to all that gave me the wonderful complimants......but I think what bothers me the most is when someone says " I hate you or "I'm jealolus' I know they do not mean it literally, but I do not want any jealousy or bad feelings when I show off what I have accomplished. MY surgery did go well.....but I did have some problems for months. I thought I would never get over the hump of having something wrong with you all know that have had WLS....thisis NOT EASY and we have to WORK to do it. I had so much fun this weekend.....I will never stop talking about it. I just want us all to be family and no one hurt feelings or get their feelings hurt. EVERYONE THERE THIS WEEKEND WAS AND IS BEAUTIFUL TO ME.....BIG, SMALL, BLACK, WHITE.......I LOVE YOU ALL. I REALLY DO. Take care and God Bless! I will get the pics up soon....also if you want a video let me know...some great footage...(blackmail footage.....LOL) HUGS!!!!
Teresa D.
on 5/17/04 6:31 pm - Garland, TX
Kim... I agree. Everyone I met at the convention was beautiful whether they were big, small, black or white, etc, and I had a wonderful time !!!! It's a shame that everyone wasn't as kind to those of you who're at goal and feeling/looking good as they were to pre-ops & newer post-ops, like me. I guess it's jealousy... those people DO NOT represent the majority, though. I'd love to have one of the videotapes and am looking forward to seeing the photos you took.
Kim Gregory
on 5/18/04 4:56 am - KEITHVILLE, LA
TY dear....and I will get you a video and pictures. I had a blast regardless of any negativity....even getting stuck in the elevator.. ok so I am laughing now....but some of you know i wasnt then.....wew...... Take care Love and hugs! Kim
Teresa D.
on 5/18/04 10:28 am - Garland, TX
Thanks Kim... please e-mail me ([email protected]) and let me know how much $ you need. I want to compensate you for the cost of the video tape. I'll, of course, need your address... I'll also send ya my address. I know how upsetting getting suck in that elevator was for you... I saw how upset you were, and rightfully so. I'm just glad you're already able to laugh at the moment. I hope the Wyndham did something to make ammends for your scary experience !!!
Kirk Thompson
on 5/17/04 11:13 pm - Martins Ferry, OH
Hey Kim You know I want a copy of dat video lol wink wink I truly had the best time of my life in Texas and I'm serious you all are Beautiful and kind in Texas, made me feel really welcome. I thank you all for making me feel like it was home. I will post more on the Board I just woke up after sitting in the DFW Airport 8 hours from a plane delay, I got to the Airport Monday 3:PM and got home at 5:00 am ugh!! I cant even see straight. Take to you all soon. Staff Members Service Kirk Thompson aka CROW [email protected]
Kim Gregory
on 5/18/04 3:52 am - KEITHVILLE, LA
hey my dear sweet will get a copy for sure...ty for taping it for is awesome and well gosh doesn't look like anyone was having any fun.... YEA RIGHT You are so awesome and I havent told you that enough....I love you and I am so proud of you....I also saw you dancing and for some reason no one had the camera on....hummmmmmm You are such an inspiration.....there are no words...thank you Kirk... Keep in touch and I will also get some pics to youtoo... Be patient....I have alot to send and it will take this ole country girl a little time. Love you.......hugs and kisses Kim
lc C.
on 5/17/04 8:00 am - clute, TX
yvonne and kary---i am so glad u both have posted about this,-sharing what happened and how it feels. i didnt get to go -had r n y 3-22-04. i was so happy that people took pics and were posting links for us to all get to enjoy. at first, i thought yall were both models flown in for the modeling event, etc... it is so nice to see those who can lose weight, look fantastic, and still be untouched with the "i am so better than u attitude". thats just how i wanna be as i lose weight. to retain a caring heart--i do not want partcipate in putting others down, i dont wanna hear it and i sure dont wanna have it thrown my way. u are both an inspiration to be not just a better body--but to be equally good on the inside. i surely hope that ur wise posts will help make future events smack/catty-free, and that all wls babes of beauty will never experience feelings of rejection again. i am sorry for all of those who were hurt. lc
Tamera E.
on 5/17/04 12:15 pm - Mesquite, TX
Yvonne, I met you early the 1st day of the conference- I told you that you were cuter than a bug- maybe I wasnt the only one! I had been sent a bunch of back issues of ObesityHelp's magazine a week ago and havent had time to do more than thumb thru them-- and saw your story but hadn't read it yet- was just amazed you looked so WONDERFUL after such a weight loss--I was truly amazed that skin can really go back to what it was!! I am so very proud of you and your accomplishment- I so hope your feelers werent hurt by anything you heard there and I so hope the people responsible will do some soul-searching and realize they are repeating the SAME hurt that was visited upon them on many occasions in their lifetimes- You are a real inspiration (and I hope you KNOW Ill bother the stuff outta you for your secrets!!) as I have real hopes that I, too, will reach my goal in 29# and a few months-- There was real commradery at the conference and Cathy is right- I took off the towel and danced like I havent in the 23 years I have been overweight-Thank you all for such sweet acceptance! ANd to the two ladies I saw on the way to the bathroom at the Luau who said I "looked good" I love ya like crazy! Kisses- Tamera in Mesquite PS- your Sweety is so proud of you- its too sweet to hear him talk! I found MY Love a few years ago too (All when I had a big a$$! so I KNOW he must see SOMEthing in me!) and there is no greater joy-live la dolche vida-
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