Regarding the ONLY low point of the conference

Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 5:24 am - Houston, TX
Okay let me tell you a story about little Mrs. Yvonne, when I first started coming to AMOS I was looking at profiles and her's happened to be one of the first I saw. Well as you can imagine as a PRE-OP and a big ogre like I was (still am surgery date July7th) I was very intimidated by her. I think my first email was about 30 words 20 of them telling her how great she looked and the rest telling her if she didn't write back it was okay.. To my suprise it wasn't 10 minutes later I had an email from her explaining to me that I could email her any time.. Well I said lets see if she is telling the truth so emailed her these short emails to see if she would answer, well she responded to each of them. Although she may be drop dead gourgeous she is also a champion for WLS. And she is one reason I have really gotten excited about the surgery. I have to say that I am so glad that God Blessed me with a buddy like her. And Yvonne thank you for just being you..
Bambi T.
on 5/17/04 5:26 am - Austin, TX
Yvonne Darlin'. You and I had this discussion right before we left and I have to agree catiness does run rampid...women get jelous (sp?). And funny, after we talked I got to thinking that maybe also it is because some people don't think they will ever get to a point where they will look as fantastic as you..and it scares the hell out of them...but you are awesome and one of the nicest sweetest people there, and deep down inside we all know you have become physically what we all want to be...and by God you frickin' did it with the same tools as we are truly an ispiration!!! I think you rock, hugs Bambi
on 5/17/04 5:53 am - the woodlands, TX
Thank you!!! I got dirty looks the entire time I was there.... I am the same person I was & know what everyone is going through. I have been the center of jokes my entire life.... I thought everyone would feel welcomed here but it wasnt the case for me. I am finally happy with myself & never worried about getting the stares when out in public because I am an acceptable size & I never get those stares anymore until this weekend, I felt like I did before when I walked by some people, like I was an outcast, like I was not accepted because I made it to goal. Some even went out of their way to make up rumors of something me & another long term post-op supposedly said. We werent the only ones, a lot of resentment was going on there, I heard rumor after rumor, WE ARE NOT IN HIGH SCHOOL ANYMORE. We are all in this together, I will NEVER forget where i came from & am here to support everyone. Jealousy is an evil evil monster & we all need to remember that we have been there. I stopped going to a local support group because of a person's jealousy towards me, I would rather stay away from that, I do not need negativity in my life, it's hard enough getting over my body image issues only to have someone that knows what you went through bring you down. I never thought I would live to see that day that another person would be jealous of ME....I was even so uncomfortable being in the fashion show just because I didnt want people to start talking negative & spreading rumors.... We need to focus on our health & not causing drama, these events are supposed to be fun & supportive.... I love all of you!!! I am here for you if you need anything or just want a shoulder to cry on. I have been ridiculed my entire life, even in my own home & I know how it feels to be MO. I still had a great time & most of you made me feel so awesome just because you actually know who I am. I wanted to talk to everyone there but 2 days wasnt enough... I am also very shy & was worried some would take this as being rude.... I was just amazed that people actually looked up to me & remembered so much about me from my profile & posts.. I am so glad to have finally met Yvonne, she has always been one of my role models.. She actually looks like a model, soooo beautiful!!! She is the sweetest lady.... Her husband is also a very nice man & he is so proud of all of us, they are so blessed to have each other in their lives!! OK... I got it out... It's sad that is came to this but it's the truth, at first I thought I was the only one getting those vibes but I soon found out it was many of the ones that were at goal & feeling happy with their success...
Yvonne McCarthy
on 5/17/04 6:22 am - Plano, TX
Kary, you slipped in there while I was responding to everyone else. I'm so happy I got to meet you too and was so happy we were swimsuit sisters even though I almost had a serious goof that my wonderful husband fixed. Right before the show, I left my swimsuit cover up in the bathroom by the pool. I desperately looked and looked and freaked. After all I'm 49 and I will never have thighs (that I'm comfortable with) to walk out in that suit soooo no one turned it in and my wonderful husband just went and bought the one I wore right before the show. The cover up was found later on a bar stool...someone moved it but didn't turn it in. I've always been around here reading...posting some but definitely pushing OH to everyone I speak with. I promise to get away from some of my other activities like stupid photo contests that don't give you any money and spend more time here. I love you guys.
on 5/17/04 6:38 am
OMG Kary, I was looking at all the pics, and I swear the first thing that came to my mind when i saw you in your bikini was 'wow, you cant even tell she ever had a fat day in her life!". You look marvelous dahling! I would be imtimidated as hell by you lol. If we ever meet in person, im NOT standing next to you Seriously, I know you worked very hard to get where you are and girl, you look great! You know, I have always said its a shame the way women put down other women. Thats why i have refused to work places where I would have had a woman boss, its horrible! We need to stick together, not trample each other! Ok just my two cents, I can go back to my corner now. Liz
on 5/17/04 7:24 am - the woodlands, TX
Yes Women are bad but I always feel my WLS family is different, we are special, we know where we came from!!! Thanks for the compliment, now you see why I was so nervous... My mind went back & forth as the wear that or not.. It's a shame, I just didnt want to deal with the looks & the comments "she thinks she's all that"... to be honest I DO NOT think I am all that, I am dealing with body dismorphis syndrome like a lot do after they lose... I still see fat & I fight that everyday to get out of my head... I have come to far to still be miserable because I have a skewed perception or I hear a remark from another person & let it bring me down again. When I was pre-op I looked for the ones that lost their weight, were longer post op & maintained... These are the ones I wanted the advise from, I wanted to succeed, I did not have surgery to sit around & talk about others... I just hope whoever said the remarks & gave the dirty looks (you know who you are) really think about this.. People's feelings were hurt... I didnt even feel comfortable walking in that room cause I thought everyone was giving me dirty stares... I nevr thought it would be that way with others who have been MO
on 5/17/04 11:56 am - Leander, TX
Hey Kary, I for one am glad I met you. You are such a success story. I only have one walked out there too fast for me to get a good picture of you.LOL I now understand why. Had a great time Saturday night. Come to Austin soon. Jeannie
Tracy Ta Da
on 5/17/04 7:27 am - Hurst, TX
Hey you!!! I hugged ya when you came in and never saw you again!!! I didn't even get a chance to be jealous and catty! hehhhhehe You look great, even more petite than I imagined. I probably scared you to death. I am sorry that certain people gave you nasty looks...but please don't let a few bad apples ruin the bunch. Keep on trucking, you are a shining example of what I'd LOVE to look like, but probably never will! ****ut a foot off of me!) Tracy -87
on 5/17/04 7:36 am - Coronado, CA
Hey Kary -- I am still here lurking on the TX boards to see how the event went.. wishing I had been able to go... Just wanted you to know that you have been one of the folks I have followed since I first found OH. We both started out at similiar weights and because of that I have followed every little success and stumble you have had. No matter how old we get -- those folks who gossiped and picked on people in high school will continue to do it now - for some reason they never grow out of it. The difference is in you.. Don't let them make you feel any less confident about yourself. You are gorgeous! And you are a success! Come to the OH Convention in October in Cali and we will have a good ol time Lynnda
Yvonne McCarthy
on 5/17/04 6:07 am - Plano, TX
Linda, I so enjoyed our talk by the pool and glad you got to meet my wonderful husband. Kristal, purple is one of my favorite colors! You go girl, you can do it. Miss E, you gorgeous hunk of woman, you are too kind. Catherine, so pleased you had so much fun and even though I don't understand friends and coworkers getting that way, I surely don't understand when it's one of US! Gina, you are so funny. I adore my husband, I'll have to tell you what he did for me Sunday before the show. Ramon, man you hold a very special place in my heart, I've got every one of those emails too. I can't thank you enough for making the trip in. Bambi, you just wait til next year...wherever it is, the building won't hold us will it? And it won't be because we weigh too much but because there will be so many of us!!!!
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