Regarding the ONLY low point of the conference

Yvonne McCarthy
on 5/17/04 6:28 am - Plano, TX
Liz, I missed your post! I've got to look up this person. I know I'm in Texas but originally from Louisiana and I don't know many country music people. Thanks Liz, I sure hope I get to meet you some day!
on 5/17/04 6:45 am
Would love to meet you as well. But i'm not gonna stand by either you or Kary... No way lol. You need to look her up, you two could be twins! I wanna look like you when i grow up! Liz
on 5/17/04 7:40 am - Keller, TX
Y, I so feel your disapointment. I too felt unwelcomed. I tried to talk with people and it was really hard. I went up to people but it was as if they weren't interested in talking with the skinny lady. The looked at me as if, why was I there. You are such a beautiful woman and I hope to look half as good as you do. I did enjoy talking with you breifly in the ladies room, I just wished it could have been longer. karey, You looked wonderful too.....I just wished I had the courage to get into the bathing suite.......the cruise I am going on in September is going to be a first for me. It was nice to meet you at the conference. God Bless to everyone....they may need them more then we do.
on 5/17/04 7:45 am - Arlington, TX
Jeanette, Kari and Yvonne, I am so sorry you had any bad feelings! You are all so beautiful and I for one look to you all for renewed inspiration. When I think it just isn't going to work I can look at you guys and tell myself "YES IT CAN!!!!". Please know that this Arlington-ite luvs ya!!!!! Jen
on 5/17/04 7:56 am - Keller, TX
There is not a day that goes by that I don't surf this web site. I need to read about new and old post. It helps me get to the next day with new found hope. You are a blessing and so kind to us oldies. If there is anyone who needs help I am always here to lead a ear or give suggestions. I was born to help.
Teresa D.
on 5/17/04 6:14 pm - Garland, TX
Awwww, Jeanette... I'm sorry you had a bad experience. There have always been shallow, jealous people in the world and there always will be. I loved meeting you and I think you look GREAT and told you so. I hope you never, not even for an instant, had the impression that I wasn't interested in talking to you !! As someone who's been pretty reclusive for about 10 years going to the convention was a BIG step for me. The idea of meeting people on the message board excited me beyond belief but I had to force myself to actually get out there and GO to the conference. I was scared to death that I'd be rejected & feel left out but, thank God, that didn't happen to me. I'm just sorry it happened to you !!! Please try to remember that ALL of us don't feel like the shallow, jealous people you encountered. I (for one) absolutely LOVE healthy "skinny" women... so much so that I had my insides rearranged just so I'd have a chance to finally BE one. Sending HUGS, darlin' !!!!
Kristal F.
on 5/17/04 4:54 am - Asheville, NC
HI, I am new to this board and this had to be the first thing I replied to! First, you are so beautiful! You looked so good all weekend. I heard some of things you are refereing to. I can say this, screw them. I wish I had a magic crystal ball and could look into it and see what I will look like in a year. I am not appling for Playboy, but I am young and ready to live the life that is ahead of me, and a great body would fit in so well! I really grabbed what Terri said...I did this for my HAPPINESS! I did not get a chance to talk to you much, but your ora alone spoke clearly, you are wearing a beautiful real smile...that must mean you have tapped into the happiness pool! I was happy to see people who were at goal! It was encouraging to me. I am only four months out, but when I look at others who are 1,2,3, years out and started at my weight or even more and now look fabulous, it gave me that push if you will to keep going and not get discouraged. I am truely sorry to hear about this "talking" that was going on. I hope I did not stair too much...I liked looking at what will be for me later! Hope to talk to you some more! Love and Laughter! Kristal V. "Purple Diva"
on 5/17/04 4:57 am - Arlington, TX
THANK YOU YVONNE!!!!!!!!!! Very well said! I too had some looks and even a few comments of maybe I was "too skinny". But, to each their own and I am PROUD of my accomplishments and proud of other's accomplishments as well. You guys, Yvonne is the sweetest most personable person you could ever meet. I can see where some might be intimidated by just looking at her but she was SOOOOOO friendly with EVERYONE. I think the catti people were just jealous because they were not to your point yet. I too hope they don't have to deal with it. WE HAVE ALL DEALT WITH IT ENOUGH BEING FAT!!!!!!! Love ya girl and once again YOU ARE GORGEOUS AND A TRUE INSPIRATION!!!!!!!!!! Erika
cat F.
on 5/17/04 5:02 am - Salina, Ks
Although I did not get to talk to you I think that what you are saying is right on. Although i've always been an outgoing person and tried to smile and meet everyone I do feel there were some women there who were being prejudiced but I expected that as you will find that "cattiness" anywhere when you have a gaggle of women. Even at work i've found that they are happy for you...until god forbid you get close to or lower than their weight! I have truly found out who my real friends are. And i'm not even at goal as i've lost 123 pounds but i'm still considered severly obese due to the fact i'm only 5 foot tall. This past weekend has shown me though that I can achieve what I put my mind to and that with friends supporting me anything is possible. I think you are beautiful Yvonne and I tell myself that if people want to talk about me then they don't know the real me. I am who I am and I try to be a good person and see everyone's soul, not their outer shell. I had a great time and for the first time in my life I wore a bathing suit and danced all night without fear of being made fun of because I figured we were all in the same boat. To everyone I did get to meet I love you all and I think Texas has the friendliest people to open up their world to us! I look forward to next year and I hope that I can maybe be more of an inspiration to someone. I'm sorry this is so long but I felt that I had something to say. I want to say a special thank you to Bo who inspired me, to Kirk who is awesome and to Terry *****ally made me think. I have chosen to take the good things from this convention and to leave the few bad things there. Thank you for letting me say what I had to say.
Gina 22 years out
on 5/17/04 5:06 am - Burleson, TX
When I first saw you in the restroom Saturday morning all I could think of was "OMG-I wanna be HER when I grow up"--you are so beautiful inside AND out--and your husband obviuosly adores you-so screw the jealous peeps!!
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