Regarding the ONLY low point of the conference

Yvonne McCarthy
on 5/17/04 3:59 am - Plano, TX
Everyone, I avoid conflict like a plague but sometimes I have to break out of that because I am passionate about this. This low point had nothing to do with OH or it's staff at was some of the attendees. I don't know exactly who you are but I'm sure some of you will either recognize yourself or some had the displeasure of experiencing it personally. I am AMAZED that there were women that made a point to make derrogative comments about those that were a bit further ahead in their journey than they were. After all, for many of us we have experienced YEARS of hurt, ridicule, prejudice, been the brunt of jokes and comments, and yet because someone was thinner or for whatever reason, you said the same things about them. I pray to God that NONE of our pre-ops that just discovered the site heard it. One very beautiful lady came to me in tears and said someone was talking about her, making fun of her....she worked very hard to get where she was and even if you don't approve of someone's fashion sense you said some really damaging things. Let's be honest here. When I first got to the meeting, no one said anything to me directly (I'm 3 years out) but I could feel it from some. I tried very very hard to speak to as many women as I could, take pictures of everyone I could and I realized that as much love as some of the women were giving me, there were some that automatically resented me just because I was at goal. I'm sorry for this long post but it needed to be said. Just remember when some of you that decided to be "catty", don't forget that some day you'll be at goal and feeling good about yourself and you'll attend a meeting. My mom always told me what goes around comes around. Hope you are more fortunate than some of the very lovely, beautiful women that attended this year that got wind of this stuff.
Traci P.
on 5/17/04 4:28 am - Bryan, TX
As a pre-op, all I can say is "well said"....I never heard any bad words or any "catty" things being said, and I know there always will be that stuff around as long as you have a group of people together...Im sorry that this lady was upset and wished she wouldve come talk to the OH Volunteers so we couldve eased her pain as well.... Thank you for your hard work and your passion of photography, I cannot wait to see your photos. Im a great fan of your cat pictures on your site!! It was good getting to know you and talk with you, thank you again. Huggs! Traci P.
Yvonne McCarthy
on 5/17/04 4:44 am - Plano, TX
I'll tell you why she wouldn't have come to the OH staff or volunteers....because she doubted herself. She let those old feelings come back and was afraid.... I was so pleased that she trusted me enough to ask me if she looked fat. I told her to forget it and that she was just beautiful and don't let anyone take that away from her.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 4:36 am - Houston, TX
As a pre-op I live to look at the pics and profiles of all you beautiful people.. By all means I am not gay but some of the men on here have made great changes in their lives and I strive to be like them.. I want to be able to do things that I can not do right now and being able to dress nice is one of them. Bubba's tent and parachute shop only has a limited amount of nice things.. I want to be able to look good. As far as being "catty" about some of the women I can not believe someone would do that. Hell we are all in the same boat it is just that some have been sailing a little longer than the rest of us and we will hopefully all get a chance to capitan the ship.. I enjoyed the little time I spent there.. and I do believe that all the women there were beautiful no matter what stage in the journey they happen to be at.. PEACE
Yvonne McCarthy
on 5/17/04 4:53 am - Plano, TX
Ramon, I fell out of my chair laughing about Bubba's tent and parachute are one funny guy!
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 5:32 am - Houston, TX
Hey they make a bad @ss shirt.. If you need a cover for your car I will have some a few months after July 7th..
Cheryl M.
on 5/17/04 4:40 am - H'lands, TX
Sounds purely like jealousy. That's a shame, Yvonne. I'm very, very sorry that happened to that lady. I heard a couple of things said about some women close or at goal - and for the most part - it was positive and not catty or rude. I looked at some of you guys and was thinking "My gosh - I hope I get there one day." You ladies and gentlemen that are at goal and have kept it off and done so well with it are an inspiration to me. On the flip side - I heard a from several people that there were several rather ugly comments made by long term postops about some of the heavier folks there. It wasn't at all pleasant and was demeaning. Rather like they forgot who they once were....... I believe that we need to look at the long term posties as "what we will be one day soon" and look at the new posties and remember where we all were. Everyone needs to remember that we are or have all been in the same boat at some point and remember what it felt / feels like. Cheryl P.S. - Yvonne, I too have been to your website and adore your work. I plan on ordering one of your prints soon - just haven't gotten around to it. I didn't get to spend much time with you, but have admired you for a long time - you are truly an inspiration. Thanks for being there this weekend!
Yvonne McCarthy
on 5/17/04 4:51 am - Plano, TX
You know what Cheryl, I am in shock. I am thankful I didn't hear anything about anyone making comments about someone being pre-op because I think I would have had to have a come to Jesus meeting one to one and remind them where they came from. The human race never ever ceases to amaze me. I will NEVER EVER EVER forget where I came from and have answered every single email I ever gotten from a pre-op that has asked me questions and as we continue this journey we need to stay right here and help those that are on the other end of the chain. Cheryl you have a special light and please just tell me whatever you'd don't have to buy it from that site. I'll send you whatever you'd like.
on 5/17/04 5:31 am - Pearland, TX
Yvonne, I really enjoyed visiting with you and your husband Saturday at the luau. I've read your profile and always read your posts. Your outer beauty is matched by your inner beauty, and your sweet spirit just shines. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to visit with you, and I'm looking forward to your continued participation on the TMB. Hugs from Linda The Irish Diva Linda who never found her tiara but is going to check out ebay!
on 5/17/04 5:37 am
I wasnt at the Convention this past weekend but had to toss in that you remind me so much of the Country Music Star Deana Carter. The black and white of you bears such a striking resemblance. Ok. just had to toss that in, and i hope to ONE DAY look as wonderful as you Liz
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