A special thanks to the TMB and OH People

B. McCoy
on 5/17/04 3:04 pm - Columbus, OH
Ramon, Dude, I would party with you any day of the week! Your the best. Please keep in touch with me. Hugs from your friend, Bo
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 3:16 pm - Houston, TX
No problem Homes.. I would love to hang out with you.. In fact I want to have something to do with OH and hopefully get the message out to more men that this isn't only a "ladies" surgery.. I have started a fund so I can go next year and stay the whole time.. Like I have stated all along those four hours changed my life forever. You and Crow made me realize a lot about myself.. And seeing what there ladies have written about me really makes me feel good.. Thanks for putting on such a great convention.. I am so glad I made it for the time i was there.. PEACE
Shelly I.
on 5/17/04 3:11 pm - Odessa, TX
Ramon, I am sorry I didn't get to meet you - you sound like a great guy. I hope I get to meet you and all the other wonderful people on the TMB at the next meeting. It sounds like ya'll had a fab time. Shelly
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 3:25 pm - Houston, TX
I am sorry I didn't get to meet you too Shelly.. As far as being a great guy I only try to do what my mom taught me to do.. "Treat others the way I want to be treated" My mom raised for bad @ass boys on her own and I would be doing her a dishonor to treat people bad.. I hope to meet you someday too.. I have prayed for you before and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.. PEACE
Teresa D.
on 5/17/04 7:11 pm - Garland, TX
Ramon... it was great meeting you at the luau, man, even if we didn't actually get to talk much !!! I hope I didnt freak you out when I called out your name, approached you & asked if I could take your picture. I couldn't help myself... I recognized you from your photo here on the message board and was having fun taking pictures of anything that moved (or looked like it might) with my husband's digital camera. By the way, you have a GREAT angel !!! I admire Rachel alot and have been reading her posts for months...
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 10:56 pm - Houston, TX
Not a problem at all Teresa hell it was actually fun to meet people and to be honest I was so freaked out at the begining it wasn't funny.. Hell I haven't had my picture taken so many times (well except the mug shots j/k) in the last 10 years. And I know I haven't danced that much. I just hope I didn't break your camera. As for my angel I do believe she is a real angel on Earth. She is so special and I am glad she convinced me to go to Arlington. Have a good day.. PEACE
Teresa D.
on 5/18/04 9:30 am - Garland, TX
I know what ya mean about being freaked out, Ramon !!! I have been pretty reclusive, as far as social outings go, for almost 10 years so it was a major deal for me to go to the convention. I really had to push myself to go but once I was there I has SUCH a great time. It all ended MUCH too soon, though. Don't worry... you didn't break my camera ! hehehe In fact, the photo turned out REAL good. Come to think of it, all the pictures I've seen of you at the luau were good. I wish I could say the same about mine.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/18/04 3:19 pm - Houston, TX
I have to say I loved it after I got there and didn't want to leave.. But I had stuff to do the next day.. I am glad you went.. If you were like me it stroked your ego to be around people that really didn't care what you looked like and all.. Well since I didn't break it maybe you can send me a copy..lol I need a new pic for my OH site.. Thanks for the kind words like I have said in my other posts.. I haven't had my pics taken that much in a long time.. I know you looked great becasue I said the same thing about my pics and people liked them.. lol PEACE
Teresa D.
on 5/19/04 3:06 pm - Garland, TX
I'm glad I went, too. It was the 1st time in over 10 years when I didn't feel inhibited about my weight. I had a GREAT time and I didn't even think about what other people thought about me... well, not much, anyway. Click on the following link to see the picture I took of you, Rachel, Darrol & Lora (I think that's her name.) http://f2.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/texanna70/detail?.dir=/1be1&.dnm=f68c.jpg WLS Deb has an even better photo of you, though !! Click here to see it. http://f2.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/sweetartz1975/detail?.dir=/4737&.dnm=4964.jpg Take care and if you ever need an "ear" I'm just an e-mail away.
Kirk Thompson
on 5/18/04 12:29 am - Martins Ferry, OH
Whats up my Friend? , You know Ramon it was great!! getting to meet you . I just want you to know that I am here for you anytime you need anything. If you need to talk or ask anything about the surgery Im here just e-mail me or phone me. Im going to get in touch with the html Team and get your profile hooked up with some graphics as I promised. They do get alot of members wanting their profiles done so it may take a few weeks but they do a wonderful job. Again Ramon it was a pleasure meeting you in Texas and im sure it wont be the last time I meet you. Take care and I will keep it touch. Obesityhelp.com Staff Members Service Kirk Thompson aka CROW [email protected] 1-866-WLS-INFO extention 366
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