A special thanks to the TMB and OH People

Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 6:46 am - Houston, TX
Hot stuff?? Is there someone behind me because I know you are talking to me.. Or you must have a mirror on your monitor because you are the hottie.. Please tell your hubby how lucky I think he is to have you.. I have been talking about you all day and how lucky I was to have you looking after me.. You may only be five foot ONE inch but most of it is heart and all of it fulll of compassion.. I was so lucky to meet you both it was so great.. I hope to see you soon too.. I was in Killeen Sunday.. But you were in Arlington. But I bet I will make my way back up that way.. I will make sure and mark all the 5th fridays.. hell we may have to have lunch this week because next week is graduation.. If not we will some time soon.. I really enjoyed the time I spent with you and I am so glad I didn't turn back. I can't wait to see you again either.. My little angel.. I will be there the 7th with a gown on.. If I cry because I am scared just slap the hell out of me.. Thank you for being there.. You are truly one of a kind.. **HUGS** PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 6:51 am - Houston, TX
cat F.
on 5/17/04 6:25 am - Salina, Ks
Ramon although I didn't even know your name I kept gravitating to you at the luau because I could tell by looking at you that you had a good "soul". Thank you for letting a stranger hug you and I hope that I let you know in some way that everyone is special no matter their size! I hope to see you again next year and I will try to keep up with your progress and would feel honored to get to know you better. cathy
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 7:05 am - Houston, TX
Okay I think we should have a convention like this everytime I feel down in the dumps which has been a lot lately simply because I haven't like this in a long time if ever.. i have been here all day reading all the things that have been said about me and I am really wondering if you all met me or not.. I have always struggled with my weight but have always been a good guy.. You know how in high school you have the guy friend that you can trust.. (either because he was gay or fat, well i'm not gay) I have always been him.. The jolly fat man but all along being the sad clown smiling on the inside while crying on the inside. But when I left the other night I felt so good and here is Cathy telling me that she felt I had a good soul.. Cathy do you know how good that makes me feel? I am just so happy that you thought enough of me to want to hug me. And as for allowing it?? Why on earth would a man turn away a hug from a beautiful lady? I have started an OH fund so I hope to see you all next year but you all won't see as much of me because I will be a loser as of July 7th.. Cathy, you can contact me anytime and if you want to I have yahoo messenger. I am stonecold903 on there, you have to message me because I am always invisible.. PEACE
cat F.
on 5/17/04 7:18 am - Salina, Ks
Sweetie, I am sitting here crying from your post. You make me feel so beautiful when you don't see yourself at all Ramon. I know where you are coming from i've been there all my life. But I will tell you that what every women has posted on this board is true. I am a pretty good judge of people whether they be fat, thin, tall, short, we all have a soul that shines through and brother yours is glowing! I have your email now and I will definately keep in touch. Stay strong and thank you for the compliment.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 7:53 am - Houston, TX
I am used to women crying when I talk to them but not because I said something nice. LOL. You are a very beautiful young lady. It is amazing how cruel people can be. And it was so cool that I was treated like a person this weekend.. I am glad that you thought that I have a good soul.. Sometimes I feel that I don't have one after all the crap that I have been through.. But with friends like you I bet it will come back soon.. Please keep in touch and let me know how things are going.. PEACE
on 5/17/04 6:37 am - Pearland, TX
Hey Ramon, where do you live? I was thinking we could go dancing...my hubby included of course .... sometimes if you're close enough, cuz honey, you have the rhythm and the soul! I think you are just one of the sweetest young men I've met in a long while, and I wish you the very best journey down the road to good health and a happy life. Hugs from one of your dancing ladies The Irish Diva Linda
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 7:22 am - Houston, TX
Hey there my lovely Linda: I live in a very small town called Hamilton about 60 miles west of Waco. I am sure I could plan some time when we could go dance but as I have stated in my earlier posts that is the first time I have danced in about 10 years.. I just don't do it.. Now when I am a little lighter who knows.. but I felt so comfortable around that group of people and I knew they wouldn't judge me.. As far as the rhythm and soul I don't know about all that.. But I do love to sing although I can't carry a tune in a bucket. Thank you for the kind words.. I swear you all must have gotten together and made plans to make me feel better because I have needed it lately. Man, Rachel (my angel) thank you for convincing me to go.. I couldn't imagine how I would have felt had I stayed the whole time.. I am just so glad that I went because I met so many wonderful people like you. Thank you all for being there.. And Mrs Linda if worse comes to worse and we don't see each other until next year then I will save a dance for you.. PEACE
on 5/17/04 10:19 am - Belton, TX
Hey Ramon, I was soooo excited when I saw you and the girls walking up to the Luau. I am sooo excited I met you in person. I really hate I was unable to visit more and hang out. I spent time with my hubby. Being without kids and turning forty..well ya know we needed time alone Not giving details lol. I hope I too can get together with y'all I live in Belton and would love to visit too!!!. I looked for you sunday but Rachel told me you came only for the Luau and I was glad you came but disappointed you had to leave!!! I am brenk64 on yahoo for those who want to chat I also am invisible often!! I think Rachel is awsome loved her from day 1, and add barbara, lora and cheryl we have an awsome local group and I know there are others..... The TMB rocks and I look forward to hanging out again...soon!!!!!!! Brenda Preop
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 12:15 pm - Houston, TX
Hey there Brenda, It was so neat seeing you because I had read your posts on the board and it was like meeting someone famous.. I am so happy that Rachel asked me to go. Hey if it was my birthday and I had a wife to share it with people would have been lucky to see me at all.. So I don't blame you for not hanging around. But hey that is what life is all about. We are going to try and decide a good date to meet.. But you will be more than welcome. Yes I came only for the luau and to meet my angel (who turned out to be a real angel on earth) she is so great.. I laughed about her home actually being closer to me but yet I drove twice as far just to meet her.. But she was worth the trip.. Hell I would have driven a lot farther to meet everyone that I did because I had an awesome time. Thanks to all of you.. I will add you to my yahoo in a little bit.. Have a good day tomorrow.. PEACE
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