A special thanks to the TMB and OH People

Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 1:37 am - Houston, TX
I went to the Luau Saturday night in Arlington and words can not explain how much this event has impacted my life. Although it was only a few hours out of my life, it will have an impact on the rest of my life. At first the only reason I went was to meet a very special person, my angel Rachel, but I am so glad she talked me into going because the people there were so nice. My angel is a God send I bet I haven't had my picture taken so many times or even danced that much in the last 10 years simply because I was so Damn big. I mean don't get me wrong I know I am still big but you all didn't care... That was the best part. No one at that event judged me. I mean if nothing else they made me feel like a normal person.. It was so great to see all the people there from the board. The ladies from the board made me feel so good. I have such a great respect for them it isn't funny.. On my way home I cried because I realized how bad I had been treated over the years because of my size. But that was not the case at all at the luau.. I felt so special. The staff from OH were so great. Bo and Crow have become an inspiration for me. Thank you so much for having a great place for us Pre-Op people to feel welcome. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL PEACE
Teri R.
on 5/17/04 1:49 am - Waco, TX
Ramon, I am so glad that you got to come to Arlington. You so special. I am glad I have gotten to know you. I hope to see ya in the support groups.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 1:59 am - Houston, TX
Teri: I am so glad that I got to go to Arlington it was such a blast. I bet you and Lori were tired. You all danced all night.. Thank you for your kind words. You are a special person too I am so lucky to have met you and all the ladies of the Waco support group. I am so glad that God sent you to me. Please feel free to email me anytime. Have a good day.. PEACE
on 5/17/04 2:01 am - East, Tx
Well said my friend. I count it an honor to meet and dance with ya...yehawwwwwww! well along with all the other ladies in the circle ..that was sooo much fun. Im starting right now to put money back to save for the next OH group gathering... ya'll are more my family then my own.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 2:59 am - Houston, TX
Deb I felt lucky to be in that circle of beauty.. I am still on cloud nine thinking about how the people were so genuine. I was sure that people would still look at me funny because I am PRE-OP but that was not the case. It was so nice to put a face to name. All the women were so beautiful. I am so glad my angel talked me into going. PLUS all the wonderful ladies in the Waco support group. They are such awesome people. Once again thanks for allowing me to dance with such a wonderful group of women. And like you I am starting a OH fund right now.. Feel free to email anytime.. PEACE
Kim Gregory
on 5/17/04 2:32 am - KEITHVILLE, LA
Hey Ramon.....it's me Kim....it was soooooo great meeting you and i was just thinking about you when I came back here to read the messages. I was writing your name down to email pics too. I am so glad that I got to meet you and hope that we can stay in touch. I will be getting pics out ASAP....I have so many and I need to be able to sit down and get it done. I have a list of friends that I need to email as well....so please yall be patient with me and I will get them as soon as I can....I will enlist the help of my son as well to get it done faster..:laugh: I had so much fun with you all that I can't even find the words to tell you. It would take me forever to tell you all what I am feeling. PLEASE keep in touch with me.....I miss you all already so much! Take care Ramon and I will be in touch and sending pictures. Love, Kim
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 3:08 am - Houston, TX
Hey Kim.. It is so good to hear from you.. It is so funny to read all this about how much people enjoyed meeting me and stuff because I have lived my life in a shell most of the time because of my size. I am still in that shell but soon I will be working my way out. It was so strange to see women actually come up and talk to me.. But that just goes to show you what a great group of people that OH is all about.. I hope to stay in touch with as many people that will allow me to stay in touch with them.. lol Don't worry yourself too much about getting pics out but when you get time feel free to email them to me.. I am still in awe of all the people that I met there.. It was so great.. I feel the same way as you it is so hard to describe how I feel.. It is unexplainable.. If that is even a word.. I will keep in touch.. I am so glad you had a great time.. PEACE
Yvonne McCarthy
on 5/17/04 2:43 am - Plano, TX
Ramon my friend, We emailed each other one day several times and I was so HAPPY when he introduced himself to me. What a man with a soul and heart as big as you can imagine. You are a star and thank you for making the drive and blessing us with your presence.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 3:17 am - Houston, TX
Yvonne I have to admit when I first emailed you I was intimidated simply by the fact that you could pass as a fashion model but the more we emailed I started to feel like a person, not some huge ogre. Well I am still huge but I don't think I look that much like an ogre..LMAO.. It feels so good to read all the kind words from you and all the other people here on the board. I have to work on being able to take a compliment and not going straight into the "aww shucks " mode. As far as driving over and "blessing" you with my presence thanks, but I am just glad that I had the common sense to drive over because it made me feel like a totally different person. Seeing all the ladies was so nice but seeing how Bo and Crow were treated made me feel really good.. And for once not be embarrassed by being big.. Once again thanks for every thing.. You are a wonderful lady. PEACE
Cheryl K.
on 5/17/04 2:49 am - Waco, TX
Just heard you on the radio with Kevin McCarthey. I really enjoyed listening to the two of you talk. Thanks for calling in since I couldn't. Cheryl K. Diva Extraordinaire
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