OT - What would you do?

on 5/10/04 5:32 am - Cypress, TX
Adasha, I am so sorry that you all have to go through this Maybe you should contact Jennifer H. She is a falmily law attorney and maybe would give you some sound advice. Just a thought. Love ya, Jackie
Christian I.
on 5/10/04 5:41 am - TX
Adasha, My heart breaks for you and your daughter. What to do? you ask. ABSOLUTELY have her come live with you. That man does not know (or doesn't care) the kind of pain that he is putting his daughter through...Oh, it angers me that some Dads can be such a-holes and give all of us a bad reputation. Love your daughter. Show her how much better her life is here where she IS loved and and wanted. The things he is doing, he will have to answer for, either to her when she grows up and wants nothing to do with him, or when he mets his maker. I am sorry and I understand your pain, I've said a prayer for you and your family. Christian
on 5/10/04 5:47 am - Houston, TX
Hi Adasha I think that you handled the situation to the best of your ability and kudos to you chickie for not talking nonense back to the evil step monster. Do not know if I would have been able to keep my mouth shut. All you can do now is take care of your little one and pray for her father. I would also get some legal counsel it sounds like you might be needing it. Sending you a great big (((HUG))) Marie
on 5/10/04 6:07 am - Beaumont, TX
You know, I actually did just that last night. I know he's hurt and not handling it appropriately (like I had to do) and I prayed that God would heal his heart and help him through this. Unfortunately, I had to deal with it on my own when she decided to go live with him. Now that I've found my church and my church family, my entire life has changed. So, yes, I did pray for him. I hate to see anyone hurt.
Grace H.
on 5/10/04 6:21 am - Vidor, TX
Adasha...I'm sorry you having to go through this. Sounds like you did the right thing. Your Ex will sit back and look how foolish he was acting in front of his daughter. He should be ashamed of him self. He will regret this. I will keep you and the children in Thoughts and Prayers... Hugs, Grace 235/138/130
Gina F
on 5/10/04 6:50 am - Belton, TX
Oh, Adasha... I'm so sorry your baby has been treated so poorly by her dad. You know my little girl is 8 as well. I want you to know that I admire you for having the self-control to not go off on him or the step-mom and also to find a way to not speak evil about him to her. I cannot imagine how painful this must be for you. Hold your little one close and do whatever you can to protect her. That's what parents do, and dad has chosen not to fulfill this role. Praise God she has a great mom to stand in the gap. Love, Gina
Donna Allen
on 5/10/04 7:22 am
Will be praying for you and your family. Hang in there. Just remember that you have the Lord on your side. Will pray for salvation for your ex and his wife. Hugs Donna -90 266/176/150? Lil'bit Diva
Charlotte H.
on 5/10/04 8:36 am - Taylor, TX
Adasha - I know that it's little consolation right now, but keep a couple of things in mind. Your children will very soon be young adults who will see their father and step-mother for what they are. You won't have to tell them and they will come to this realization in their own time and be grateful to you for not having bashed their dad. (I went through this, I know it's true.) Also, remember that what goes around comes around. My ex, who was a real stinker when it came to money - (among other things, he cut my middle son off completely from his college funds when he got married while a sophomore in college), is now under indictment by a Federal Grand Jury for something to do with his business and a violation of the Clean Air Act. Wonder if I could go back to my maiden name and volunteer for the jury pool??? Charlotte
on 5/10/04 8:44 am - Belton, TX
I am very proud of how you handled this bad situation. My prayers are with you. Can ya call CPS their about the unsupervised 4 wheeler thing and verbal abuse? I know you work for them, but... Also I agree see a lawyer soon. Good Luck!! Brenda
on 5/10/04 8:51 am - ARLINGTON, TX
First off always pray. Second provide your children with the christian support they need and deserve. Third record this and any other incidents with your lawyer. And finally just go on living and loving life. Cindy
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