OT - What would you do?

on 5/10/04 4:19 am - Beaumont, TX
I have three children, 11, 8, and 3. My 8-year old spent the last school year with her dad because she doesn't see him enough. It was understood she would come back at the end of the school year. As the school year is about to end, Dad decides he wants to keep her. I want her back. We go through this for about a month. Jordan decides she wants to move back with me. From that point on, immature Dad takes it personally and begins to take it out on Jordan. He takes her out of cheerleading and off of the tumble team, and tells her things like, "Why should I pay for it if you're not going to live with me." Last week, he got "pissed off" (his words) at her because she wants to live with me and told her, "You can just pack up your stuff and move right now." So, Sunday, when it's time for me to take her home, she says she doesn't want to go. She told me Dad said she can come right now. She also told me step-mom told her she can just go and live with me and have a horrible life. They admitted all of this, too. I called Dad and told him of my dilemma, that she didn't want to go home. He got angry, said I could just keep her, said he's sick of this **** and he doesn't want anything to do with any of them. Then, I get a call from step-mom who curses me and calls me a loser for an entire hour. Thank goodness I'm a Christian, because it could have been 10 times worse, but the ugly words just wouldn't come out of my mouth. I have never in my life had anyone talk so ugly to me. The decision to not return her was set in stone by step-mom's actions. She told me she won't stop until I'm in jail and she has my kids. Thus, this morning, with three weeks left of school, I enrolled her in Friendswood ISD. I cannot believe they couldn't be nice to her for 3 more weeks so she could finish school there. Oh yeah, not to mention, last week she flipped the 4-wheeler she was riding on a pipeline unsupervised and has a horrible bruise on her left leg. He's lucky that's all that happened because she's too little to be unsupervised on a full-sized 4-wheeler. What would you have done?
Attitude N. T.
on 5/10/04 4:26 am - Baytown/Houston, Tx
Adasha, I won't offer any advice, but I will and have said a prayer for you and children. Huggs Tina
Doug B.
on 5/10/04 4:33 am - Longview, TX
It sounds like they would be much better off in the Christian home that you can provide them. I know it must be tough. Thank God I don't have any personal expirance with this. I think the best thing we all can do is pray. I'll surely do that for you. Doug
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/10/04 4:40 am - Houston, TX
I will just give you **HUGS** and say a prayer for you. You are too sweet of a lady to have anything like this happen to you.. PEACE
on 5/10/04 4:41 am - Pearland, TX
Oh sweetie, I'm sorry your ex is such a pri@k! What an immature a$$!! Anyway, do you have a lawyer you can talk to? I don't have any experience in matters like this, but it sounds like you need to know your legal rights. And what gives step-mom the right to interfere between you and your hubby at all? Just my opinion, but if it were me, I'd check it out with my attorney. Good luck! Hugs from Linda
on 5/10/04 5:18 am - Pearland, TX
ooops! meant to say "ex-hubby." sorrrrry.
mspiggysu B.
on 5/10/04 5:02 am - TX
I agree with what Linda says ... sounds like you need to talk with an attorney and cross all the "t's" and dot all the "i's" for the sake of your children! What kind of man is he anyway .... (I am assuming that he is the father of the other 2 children) to take only ONE and not consider the other 2! You are their mother and only YOU can decide what is the best for YOUR children and in their best interest but with the language he has been using to her I personally wouldn't want a child exposed to that ... and then to pull her out things she was in ... I agree that is juvenile and he is only hurting himself in the long run as she will remember that especially at her age. I will have your children and you in prayers and hope things go smooth for the children's sakes.
Jodi L.
on 5/10/04 5:29 am - South Texas, TX
The one thing my parents did do right were treat us children with respect in the divorced life. They never said bad words about the other and allowed us to see *****ally did give it all (my mom). The only advice I can offer is, no matter how upset you are with him, he is her father and you should just listen to him, tell her how much you hurt when she hurts like this, but you know that Daddy loves you. She may argue with that and that is her right. But if you start saying what a mean person either one of them are it will only hurt her. Step mothers are always a pain in the hiney...it is just the way it is. Good luck with dealing with Cruela Deville....lol Jolyn
on 5/10/04 6:03 am - Beaumont, TX
Thanks so much. That is one thing I strictly adhere to, never talking bad about him or her in front of the kids. I always listen, but I never speak.
on 5/10/04 5:32 am - GALVESTON, TX
I would get a phone activated voice recorder and record their phone calls to you. Sounds like you may need some evidence if you have to go to court. Just to be on the safe side, hopfully that won't happen. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, I know how exhusband problem can be...my ex stopped paying child support. I really depended on that money, now I have to hope my kids don't find out their dad has a warrant out and will be doing a little time in jail. I wish you luck and will keep you in my prayers. Rinda By the way I do bonding for the county and calling someone threatening someone like that in a class b misdemeanor called terrostic threat.
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