Greatly discouraged

Janet H.
on 5/5/04 6:47 am - Dallas, TX
OK, 2 weeks ago I am having great dreams about the surgery and then bam! all of the posts about TRS Activecare BC/BS requiring a year of medically supervised weight loss has just completely discouraged me. My husband has now started to have major doubts and I just don't feel like I can handle a year. I mean, if I do try a year of a medically supervised diet, I will still be 100 lbs. overweight and that is with a 100 lb. loss! I will still qualify for the surgery! I have not gotten the denial yet (I know, why borrow trouble) but I have just cried all weekend, this just isn't fair! Just when I finally come to the place where I am at peace and not afraid. Any words of wisdom?
on 5/5/04 6:55 am - Pearland, TX
Janet, I am not insurance-savvy, and I went through NeWeigh. They did the filing with insurance co. for me, but I did provide them with the information regarding weight loss attempts, et****pt a copy of the diet list that I gave NeWeigh in case you're interested in it as a template. Good luck with this. Just don't give up. Hugs from Linda
Attitude N. T.
on 5/5/04 7:02 am - Baytown/Houston, Tx
Janet, Don't give-up! It took me 6 yrs and two surgeons to get approved for WLS. So don't give-up, it will happen. Huggs Tina
on 5/5/04 7:41 am - Sandia, TX
Hi, Janet, Don't feel like the Lone Ranger I too an doing the pcp diet thing. Mine is only 6 months. I did not have any supervised diets within the 2 year time allowed. I'll diet but I'm not planning on killing myself. I'll be satisfied with a small steady weight loss. There are days when I want to beat the insurance company, and there are more days when I just want to say why am I wasting my time? I'll regain it anyway, it just delays the surgery. If I had a lot of $$ I'd do it self pay and have it done now. But I don't know if any related procedures (endoscopy, mri, etc.) would become my responsibility, too. So I yoyo back and forth. I guess you just have to decide whether waiting is worth the cost. I don't want to wait either. Spinning Diva Joanne
jane G.
on 5/5/04 8:14 am - houston, TX
Janet, do you any appointment where they weighed you, diet was discussed ect. these can be used as unsuccessful attempts if your PCP writes it up right.Don't give up the fight. Jane in Houston
Janet H.
on 5/5/04 8:43 am - Dallas, TX
Thanks, I have gone to my PCP and was even given Zenical, Didn't take it, I was scared to...I am not scared to be cut open but am scared of public diarhea! Maybe that would suffice for the supervised diet part. Thanks for the ideas, maybe I need to do a little more creative thinking! Janet
Connie R.
on 5/5/04 1:57 pm - The Woodlands Spring, TX
Janet, I remember how stressful and scared I was this time last year...waiting for insurance approval. I think most of us on the board can relate to how you feel right now. You are NOT alone. This is a good place to find encouragement and to talk to others when you are feeling discouraged. Hang in there and it is nice to meet you! Connie 318/228/140??
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/5/04 2:47 pm - Houston, TX
Even if you lose 100 pounds and still have a BMI large enough they should do the surgery. I started my six month diet plan and dropped 44 pounds and still qualify for the surgery. My insurance requires a BMI of 40 or 35 with co-morbidities. ( joint pain, depression, diabetes, sleep apnea, etc) Make sure your pcp documnets any of the above. I hope this helps.. PEACE
lc C.
on 5/5/04 4:15 pm - clute, TX
cant really add to what others have already said--so will just ditto--"dont give up on ur surgery". who knows, perhaps in 6mo to 1yr while u are dieting and losing some--ur liver will shrink and that will be better for the surgery, the rest of ur body will be better off for during surgery and for recovering easier afterwards, and maybe by then there will be an even better or more perfection done with these surgeries and u will have that benefit.--best wishes, lc
Barbara Lucinda S.
on 5/5/04 10:18 pm - Central, TX
It took me 15 months until i got my surgery..just keep going. You know deep down the chances of losing 200 lbs. and keeping it off on your own are nearly impossible. During this time, try to lose steadily and do whatever exercise you can; it will ease your recovery. Or you can throw in the towel! {No choice there!} Still a Diva minus 44 lbs. p.s. stay on the message board and read up on the insurance sight; you'll have to stay active on your case with the insurance company, but you'll persevere. BTW if you are doing a doctor supervised plan; they look at starting weight and BMI for surgical consideration.
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