A little upset

(deactivated member)
on 4/26/04 2:14 pm - Baytown, TX
I met a couple of people at Dr. Ferrari's office when I first started in January. Well it is now April, I finished all of my prequalifying test. And guess what the waiting game of insurance has started. Anyways the 2 ladies I met already have an approval and date scheduled for surgery. They have the good surgery United Healthcare. Me I have the one that sucks Aetna. I hate waiting, I called Aetna today to get status and they told me to call back in another 2 weeks to more than likely get a BIG NO answer. It plain sucks. I know I am being a big baby but you know when you want something so bad and have to wait like this it can be a killer. Anyways thanks for listening to my BS. Staci +170
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/26/04 2:55 pm - Houston, TX
**HUGS** and I hope things go better for you.. I will keep you in my prayers.. PEACE
boop_a_do H.
on 4/26/04 3:28 pm - Austin, TX
RNY on 12/29/03 with
do you have Aetna HMO or PPO?? I have Aetna HMO. It took about 3 months from start to finish. I had problems with the billing codes the surgeon was using... had to speak with the head reveiw nurse... she was VERY helpful and helped push everything through. Good luck... and stay on them... call everyday if you have to.
lc C.
on 4/26/04 8:25 pm - clute, TX
staci--as u wait, go to any and all support group meetings. u will meet even more people to chat with and u will be so informed by the time ur surery rolls around, which may be sooner than u think. i got approved by atena after first 2intial denials but then they overturned their later denial. i was squeezed into a surgery cancelation date that was for someone else, and i had to hussle to be ready. best wishes to u! lc
on 4/26/04 8:39 pm - Galveston, TX
Staci, I hope you wait is a short one.. the nerves get really bad while waiting.. I'll be praying for you.. God bless and may time speed by for you.. ~~~ Jan
Julie with a Y
on 4/26/04 9:54 pm - Katy, TX
i am sorry you are upset. i know how hard it is once you decide to have the surgery to watch oters get approved and you are still jumping through insurance hoops. i wish you luck in the quest! july
Tom Barton
on 4/26/04 10:48 pm - Houston, TX
Hi Staci, I really feel for you. It took me 16 months to be approved. I started with UHC and was approved with date scheduled only to be told at the last minute that my company had an iron clad exclusion. I then had to wait until the open enrollment period to switch to Aetna. Once I switched, it took me 9 months to meet all the requirements. ...but you know what, it finally happend! I'm now 6 months post op and have lost 155 lbs! Just hang in there, it will be all worth it! Keep your goal in mind and make sure that everything you do is working toward your goal! Tom LAP RNY 341/196/185
on 4/27/04 1:10 am - Spring, TX
Staci. I have Aetna also. They have pretty strict criteria. Have you looked into all that they expect? I have been waiting a year and have been denied 3 times. I now have all my ducks in a row and should have no problems. You can go to there web site and get exactly what they require so that you do not waste time like I did. Had I known from the beginning what was required I could have had my surgery about 5 months ago. Best wished to you. I know it seems like forever, but It's all good. Diana
Dorothy E.
on 4/27/04 2:58 am - Fort Worth, TX
Staci, Aetna finally approved me after I had been working on everything for nine months and getting one denial. Just be sure you have done all their requirements, and you will be approved, and oh, it is so worth the wait!! I know you are frustrated, and I remember that feeling. It's like giving birth. After you get your surgery, you will forget all the pain. lol Good luck. Dorothy aka Delicious Diva Dorothy
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