I passed my psych testing

Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/10/04 12:25 pm - Houston, TX
Just a note to let you all know this has a ****%y week. Both my grandparents are sick. My next door neighbor was in an accident and may be paralized. But through all of this I managed to pass my psych test. I will hopefully get a date on the 23rd. Oh and I lost another 11 lbs. but I also lost two inches.. lol not the good inches. I was told I was 5'*' not 5' 10" as I had written down so that changes everything. That means I will have to lose another 20 lbs. in order to have the lap RNY. But on a lighter side the nurse told me that all men "always" lie about two extra inches.. I almost said that well that means I have three inches but I didn't.. Peace
on 4/10/04 12:51 pm - Belton, TX
Sorry you had a bad week~~~~ Congrats on not being Psycho!!! Hey I started the scott and white program in Feb ending Aug 9th no one has said how much weight to lose. I even saw the dietician last week. When do they tell ya. Also I had a friend go to doc lost nothing and they agreed to let her have surgery. So I am sure it will work out. But no one has told me athing about losing an amount. I see Kathy at my request on may 5th, I am asking for meds then to help. Any insight? Aoll the info you can provide will be appreciated!!! thanks Teacher Diva Brenda preop
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/11/04 1:18 pm - Houston, TX
I am trying to lose the weight in order to have the closed surgery. You aren't required to do it but I chose to in order to have hopefully the easier of the two surgeries. I have been taking phenterimine 37.5 mg and to me it seems to be helping. But a lot of mine is I have totally changed my eating habits.. I don't eat what my family eats. I don't drink cokes, eat sweets and I try to cut down on the carbs. Also I have been exercising a lot more than before. By that I mean I try to do at least a mile a day 3 times a week. And lift weights. I hope you the best in your WLS journey. Feel free to email me anytime.
Cheryl K.
on 4/10/04 11:25 pm - Waco, TX
glad to see you have your computer back online. I fully understand about last week. You remember about my dog Asta. On Friday, got a frantic call from my father-in-law that he was being evicted. (Cops and all - strange & long story) So he has come to live with us (which is really ok) but to do this, my daughter & grandson who were living with us will temperarily move in with her mother in law (daughter's husband is in Iraq****il she finds an apartment. (she was thinking about looking before this) . Today I am having company over for lunch & house looks like dirty storage locker. But, I do get to see the grandboys. Cheryl K.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/11/04 1:23 pm - Houston, TX
Sorry about taking so long to answer but I have been at my brother's and plus I went to church.. lol Sorry that it willl be raining some more lol ! ! I got to spend time with my young nephews.. and that makes my day. I am going to try and go to the support group next week. Peace
(deactivated member)
on 4/11/04 12:12 pm - Killeen, TX
Ramon, Sorry to hear about you bad week. Why do you have to loose another 20lbs to have lap RNY? Is this a requiement of your surgeon? Just curious. Either way I hope the 20lbs just melts away and you get your surgery date. Glad to know you are not crazy. LOL Antoinette in Killeen
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/11/04 1:32 pm - Houston, TX
At Scott and White they want you to have a BMI of 59 or less to have lap RNY.. Well if I would have stayed 5'10" I would have been there by now.. But since I lost 2 inches somewhere I have to lose another 20 lbs. I will find out my surgery date on the 23rd. Then I will have one last pig out for a Thanksgiving in May. LOL.. Then I will hopefully be on the losing side. I thank you for writing and I too am glad I'm not crazy although I feel like I may be headed that way. Peace
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