
Adriana H.
on 3/17/04 12:12 am - Houston, TX
Hi guys.. Happy St. Patty's!!!!!!! (do you have on green??? - do undies count even though you cant seee them??) Ok.. here's your question of the day: (kinda LOOOONG) Let's say you are at a restaurant, (eating your two broccoli trees and 5 bites of filet mignon - that your date gave you off of his/her plate) and the table next to you is talking about the WLS phenomenon and how they think its the "easy weigh out". - You can't help but over hear the mis-information that they have been given and decide that you will: a) turn to them and tell them the realities and your own personal story to set them straight b) turn to them and tell them to shut up cause you can't eat your meal with them yacking c) ignore them, its not your problem that they didn't get the right info d) start talking to your date about your surgery, just loud enough for them to hear the correct information from a true source Ok i know this isnt my standard format, but this happened to me the other night and i wanted to know how you all would handle it. adriana
on 3/17/04 12:21 am - Houston, TX
Hi Adriana I would go with D. But I would add one of the cards that are avilable with the OH web site on it and just place it on their table as I leave. This way they can look up info on their own. and get well informed. Noemi
Cheryl M.
on 3/17/04 12:27 am - H'lands, TX
OMG Adrianna - I had something similar to this happen at work. I was only about 4 months out, had just started this job when I heard a co-worker (sitting on the other side of my cubi) say, "You know, she had that FAT SURGERY like that singer chick......." He was running his mouth - so I'd only been there for a couple of weeks, but me being me..... I got up, went over there and said, "Hey John. I couldn't help but overhear you talking about Carnie Wilson. I had that FAT SURGERY too. Wanna see my scars?" He shut up, was appropriately embarassed and has of course done nothing but compliment me on my weight loss since then.
Monique So Sweet
on 3/17/04 12:51 am - The most southern tip of..., TX
Buenos Dias Senorita, Hi there chiquita! How has your morning been so far? Mine is b-o-r-i-n-g and s-l-o-w. Lets see, my answer would have to be D. I NEVER stay quiet about anything. Im Latina after all. We don't stay quiet for long. BTW, I emailed you yesterday, not sure if you rec'd it though. Have a grrrreat day. ciao
Adriana H.
on 3/17/04 1:06 am - Houston, TX
chiquita.. no email in my box email me at this email: [email protected] adriana
on 3/17/04 1:19 am
My first instinct when I read this was to do A. But I think it depends on the type of people having the discussion. I mean, if it's someone that may benefit from it and just doesn't have the right info, then I would set them straight about it. At least they'd know that it's not for everybody, but it's an option and definitely not the easy way out. If it's people who seem to have no clue as to what it is to be overweight w/ co-morbs, etc., then I don't think I would say anything at all, I'd just give them the evil eye from h*** that I give people who are annoying me and that should shut 'em up.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 3/17/04 2:42 am - Houston, TX
You forgot E where you tell them to F-OFF.. j/k. I think I would let them know that it isn't as easy as they think and that some people have to have it so they can live longer. In fact I was helping a kid with his homework today and it asked what was wrong with this statement: He is fat because he eats too much. I was shocked that the kid said no because there are all sorts of things that can affect you becoming obese. Of course this is one of my long-timers who is probably tired of hearing about my surgery, but it made me feel halfway good that I taught him at least that much. I find it interesting that a lot of the kids in school are interested in the surgery since I will be having it. A lot of them come up and talk to me about it and ask questions about how I will do and stuff. I just hope that none of them ever need it but if something happens and they do I will have served as good example.
Jodi L.
on 3/17/04 2:56 am - South Texas, TX
Great Question Adriana, I would have to pick "C" and laugh at them once we got into the car. People never change their minds until it happens to someone they know and love. The only thing you would get if you turned to them and talked to them is ridiculed behind your back. See I told you fat people are lazy. She had to go and have surgery just to lose weight. Why didn't see get up off her fat a$$ and just stop eating. We all know it is more than taht and sometimes you can't even get up cause things have just gotten too far outta hand. If it is like me I need the help ( Jodi
on 3/17/04 3:26 am - Pearland, TX
Adriana, this is a good question. My basic instinct is A, but I'm shy sometimes and might go with C. If I am in a bold mood, it's gonna definitely be A. What did you do? Hugs from Linda ps..I want you to post another pic with your hair down. You are a gorgeous lady!
Adriana H.
on 3/17/04 3:32 am - Houston, TX
linda you are such a sweetie.. we sooo have to do lunch or something one day! adriana
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