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Marie R.
on 4/14/10 12:12 am - Nashville, TN
Topic: RE: Okay, Wow, Didn't Expect to be Taken in Circles??????? *LONG*
I am sorry you felt so confused and overwhelmed. I hope that you will continue to research and decide what is best for you.
He is right, you know your self better than anyone and based on the information you have researched, you can make a good decision. I knew the band wouldn't work for me because it was too easy to cheat. I know how I am so I decided to choose RNY. The sleeve was and is very new. My insurance felt it was experimental and wouldn't pay for it and I thought it seemed extreme. But those are MY feelings.
Your surgeon has nothing to do with getting your insurance to cover a procedure. His office staff will help get all the paper work together and he will sign whatever he needs to, but it is not their job to get it approved. It is yours. You have to do whatever your insurer says you need to do. He is right, lots of insurers do not cover all of the WLS available. You need to check your policy. Find out what they cover and what they don't cover, find out everything you need to do to get your chosen surgery covered. That is really all on you.
Continue to research and PRAY. Also, ask you mom to help you too.
Good luck, it will all work out the way it is supposed to.
Marie Rucker
preop 302/current 184/goal 170


Pam Davis
on 4/13/10 9:03 pm - Franklin, TN
Topic: RE: xpost Charlee is getting her DS tomorrow
Gosh, I hope so! What time Friday? I have to go offsite for a support group at about 9:30 and won't be bac****il 12.
Pam Davis, Certified Bariatric Nurse, Bariatric Program Director
Centennial Center for the Treatment of Obesity
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on 4/13/10 8:14 pm - Portland, TN
Topic: RE: Inspire protein drink from BE
Personally, I haven't tried any of the protein drinks mentioned above, but would like to mention that Walmart carries the Jillian Michaels Whey Protein powder drink.  The Triple Chocolate Shake is my VERY favorite.  I have not tried the vanilla - just because I love the chocolate and it gives me the chocolate fix that I need.  I would recommend with any powder drink though that you purchase a hand mixer because the powder shakes do not tend to mix well just with a spoon.  Love this product and the taste!!!
on 4/13/10 2:45 pm
Topic: Okay, Wow, Didn't Expect to be Taken in Circles??????? *LONG*
I apologize in advance for the chaos that this post will probably be but I am lost. Maybe I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing, what kind of questions to ask, maybe I'm really not ready for WLS. I don't know. But I'm having a very difficult time right now and I need someone to show me the light.

I went to meet with Dr. H today and I don't know how I feel about the meeting. I don't even know where to begin in explaining this because it's kind of all over the place. My impression of him was that he didn't care about what the patient thought and he was just gonna talk, talk, talk. I don't know, maybe that's just me being crazy and over analytical but this is just like, whoa. I felt like he looked at my age and automatically assumed I'm stupid or something just because I'm 19. God, I don't know, but I guess you guys don't want to hear about that. I don't know. He didn't really have an opinion on which surgery I should have. One minute he was pushing the Lap-Band for my age, the next he was pushing the RNY or DS because of my BMI but then he went back to the Lap-Band because of my age. Which is what I have been doing for the past year. When I mentioned to him that I was pushing for the sleeve he was like "Oh, well, the leak risk is really high, about 3 - 6%. I used to be pro-sleeve but not so much anymore." He proceeded to tell me about 2 out of his 100 sleeve's he's performed that have had some pretty serious leakage problems. About how one lady got to the point of having to be fed through an IV because she couldn't eat or drink normally. And I mean, maybe this should scare me, but just because TWO our of 100 have a problem you want me to back down? It seems like a pretty insignificant number to me. But then he started pushing for the RNY and my mom (I wanted her there because she's a nurse) asked him what the leak risk is with the sleeve vs. rny. And I wish I could remember EXACTLY what he said but he said something like they'd be able to tell immediately with the RNY if there was a leak where as with the sleeve, you could leak 2 - 3 weeks out. He said something like if the RNY doesn't leak in the days immediately after surgery then the risk of a leak in a few weeks in pretty much zero. I think that's what he said. I don't know, but that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. So if anyone could confirm or deny that, I'd appreciate it.

All he could say to me at the end was that it was my decision and I know me best. Which is true, I do know me the best. Better than he would anyway, because before today we were complete strangers. But shouldn't your surgeon want to get to know more about your eating habits and things like that and then together decide on your surgery? I mean, god, I don't know, I feel like it was a complete waste. He sat there and went over every complication and blah blah blah of the 4 procedures, most of which I already know and then told me it was up to me. I don't know, maybe that's my fault for not asking a million questions and being a better informed patient but I've never done anything like this before. I don't know how this is supposed to go.

I honestly thought that I would get in there and we would talk and decide upon a surgery, which I hoped would be the sleeve, and he would say "okay, well I'll work on a letter for your insurance to try and persuade them." Idk what he's gotta do to have insurance possibly pay for it but I just wasnt at all expecting the answer I got. Do you know what he said to me when I told him I wanted the sleeve and I wanted to try to have insurance cover it? He IMMEDIATELY just said "Nope. They won't cover it. No way." And that was it. He said the only way was to take it up with HR at my work but I DONT work. We've cobra'd my insurance. WTH? Am I missing something? Have I totally been misinformed? I thought the surgeons were supposed to help you get insurance to cover this.

I don't know. Maybe this is all my fault. Maybe I didn't prepare enough. Maybe I haven't done my research. I don't know WHAT is going on anymore. Someone said to me in the first post I made here that they would hate to see someone settle for a surgery they didn't really want just because it was free (insurance paying for it). And I know it's not free, you still have to pay but that's what the guy said to me. I don't know. I AM SO LOST AND CONFUSED. I don't know what to think anymore.

Am I the only person that felt this way when trying to decide on a surgery?

I am 20 years old.
I'm 5'8" tall.
My highest weight was 444lbs. 
I weighed 409 lbs on the day of surgery.
I had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure performed on June 1st, 2010.
168 lbs lost since surgery, nine months ago.
***Ticker reflects weight loss since heaviest weight***
on 4/13/10 12:41 pm
Topic: insurance question
I have a friend is wants to have the surgery but is not sure if her insurance will cover it.  I have told her just to call the insurance company or the surgeons office and speak with Ebony but I think she is a little afraid to.  Not sure if she is afraid it will or will not cover it.  She works at Walmart.  Walmart has BCBS insurance but offers a tier program for insurance packages. 

Has anyone or knows any one that has been approved that works at Walmart using the insurance that Walmart offers.  My company uses BCBS of AL but all plans are different

any help will be greatly welcomed

i had my surgery on 11/9 and feels great and enjoy the comments from people calling me "skinny" and tell me that if I keep losing i will melt away.

hw/286  sw/254 tw/190  only 40-50lbs left   yeah me


on 4/13/10 9:21 am - Jonesboro, AR
Topic: RE: xpost Charlee is getting her DS tomorrow
Hey guys, I'm doing really well (other than hating the 'clear' protein drinks UGH). I'm glad to be home, for my mom who is staying with me and for her recliner which I am sleeping in. haha I'll be back Thursday nite for my 1 week follow up Friday morning. Pam, I'll see you then - yes?

John, you truly are an angel. *mwah* Thanks so much to you and Pam for coming to see me.

Amy A.
on 4/13/10 4:05 am - Riceville, TN
Topic: RE: Any new or soon to be DSer's in Cleveland ?
Hi, I live in Riceville and I am planning on having the Sleeve in Chattanooga. Its nice to meet someone in the same area!
Amy A.
on 4/13/10 3:45 am - Riceville, TN
Topic: RE: My surgery experience... for any pre-ops!
Thank you for sharing your story. I am new here and any information is good information, IMO!
Susan J.
on 4/12/10 9:01 pm - Madison, TN
Topic: RE: Plastic Surgeon - any recommendations?
My belt lipectomy with midline incision, mons reduction and outer thigh lipo ran me right at $11K. Best money I ever spent other than my portion of my WLS.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 4/11/10 7:10 pm
Topic: RE: 'really enjoyed lunch bunch yesterday!
It was great seeing you too! Glad the mashed cauliflower was a nice change of pace for you from the clear liquids. You be moving to solids before you know it. You look great. Keep up the good work!
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