Kinda Worried!
I made my monthly visit to my PCP on Monday like I do every month. She decided that it had been a while since any blood work had been done and wanted to do some lab test on me. I had my blood drew while I was there on Monday. She is out of the office on Tuesdays. Very first thing this morning, the doctors office calls and said that she wanted to see me to discuss my labs. My appt is bright and early in the morning. It has had me worried all day. She is the type of person that would call me on the phone and tell me if it wasnt much. She has never called me to come into the office to discuss lab results. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis one year ago this month! I have been stressing this all day long. I keep thinking " what now"? I hope and pray that I am just over thinking this and that all of the stress and worry is for nothing. If you are a praying person, keep me in your prayers. I just dont know how much more bad news I can handle!
Honey remember this God never gives us more then we can handle. I know that for a fact. I have been diagnosed with Leukemia this past year, endured having to take chemo pills, had my gastric surgery, and spent a lot of times in the hospital sick because the chemo kept lowering my potassium levels too much. So you can handle this too, just trust God to see you thru this and He will. You are in my prayers.
May God travel with you on this new journey, kathy
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