can I tell you.. that I look forward everyday to see the PICTURES...
everyday... I love seeing the BEFORE and AFTER pictures...
and can't post a picture of me...........before AND AFTER...LOL!
also.. did any of you evey buy a piece of clothing....BEFORE surgery... knowing you would EVENTULLY fit into it??
I bought this awesome spahgetti strapped sqecuinecY blouse....and could NOT even get it over my ....uuuum......boobs...........LOL! but.... thought... "this is A GOAL............ I WILL fit into this"...... hoping by this summer!!!
I did 2 years ago on a clearance rack. Two night shirts, and a blue nylon work out suit. I can now wear one of the night shirts. My best friend has cleaned out her closet of the clothes she can't wear due to losing 50 lbs. They are beautiful and I get to go thru and get whatever I can wear. My horoscope for today says that this is the day for thrift shopping. I had already planned on. I've lost so much in inches that I need to finally get to go buy me a couple. Before I couldn't find one in my size so for almost 3 years I had to go without. One Feb. 16th at my first weigh in, I also had my measurements done. My chest went from 51 to 48, and I know it's lower then that now as this groovin granny's are really sagging and need some major support. So after I do my two errands, I'm going thrift shopping and go buy me a bra. I still look at the clearance racks and if I see something even in one or two sizes smaller I get them. It's fun now to go browse, before I wouldn't bother even trying anything on. Now I can't wait. Keep thinking positive. love ya, Kathy