New to TN message board
Hi Wanda! I am going to be going through Vanderbilt also. I do not know of a support group in Gallatin. I know there is one hosted by Vanderbilt in Springfield and I know of a few at the hospitals in Nashville. Here is the Vanderbilt support group page.
Have you already had surgery? Welcome to the TN board.
Wanda the one at Baptist is on the first Sat of every month at 10:30 At the Gladys Stringfeild ed center room A or B a contact # is 284-7960. The other is held in West end .. on the 3rd Thurs of every month contact #284-7960
I am pre op so Have not been to a meeting yet . I am going to have to find a buddy to ride with or have my hubby drive as I do not drive at all .
Kathy is right about Toni she is a sweetheart and could give you some great info