update on me :-D
Hey y'all
Alright, so I finally finished my 6 month dr. supervised diet however, are we really ever truly finished dieting??? NO! But at least I don't have to see the pcp every month. My co-pays have gone up to $20. I really don't know how much I've lost because the dr's scales didn't weigh anything above 350 and I didnt get a home scale until a couple months into the "diet." I STILL have high blood pressure even though according to the doctor I've maxed out the amount of medicine I can take. She said that even though it sounds bad, it'll help my approval rate by having the co-morbidity. Let's pray that she's right! So, I completed the packet of paperwork for Centennial and dropped it off this morning at the pcp's office. She has to write the letter of medical necessity and then send everything to Centennial. Hopefully they'll get all that stuff sent next week. Officially, I suppose the waiting begins
This whole process has begun to weigh (no pun intended) heavily upon me. It's all I think about! Every minute of the day I'm thinking about it, reading about it, researching and more research..which isn't a bad thing but it has just completely consumed me. I can't even sleep a full night. I sleep 4 or 5 hours. I'm so tired! I'm sure all of you have or are going through something similar. I'd like to get away ... no researching WLS on the internet, no reading WLS books, no worrying about surviving surgery or if the surgery will fail, stop thinking about the shoulda, coulda, wouldas of the past.. no worrying about what I'm eating or making sure I get some form of exercise. I can't even imagine how I'll act once I finally get a surgery date. I'll probably go Sure, perhaps after all is said and done, I'll be in a hospital....the state mental hospital
Sorry, this is a little long winded...this was suppose to just been an update to share my progress but turned into a little venting; however a good stress reliever. LOL I've been sitting here at work w/too much free time! Thanks for listening/reading!
Hey April,
It's great to hear the you have finished your six month diet!!! I have my fourth visit with the r.d. next week. I'm so ready to have this diet be over with, ( well the supervised part... ) So I can put in my packet for approvel. I think about it and worry about it too, I worry that I won't get approvel, but I also worry that when I do, I'm going to be so scared!!! WLS has a lot of risks and benefits, and they all have to be so carefully considered!!! I'm sure you're going to do great, and try not to worry so much!!! Keep us posted on how things are going.
Hi Jacqueline!
Thanks for replying. I'm so anxious...trying hard to not think about everything..but I constantly find myself on this website or looking at clothes that hopefully I'll be able to wear LOL I know thats a little vain. I'm completely doing it for my health, but I'm not going to complain if it makes me look better too LOL. I've been envisioning the amount of things I'll be able to do...run on the treadmill, ride a bike..anyways enough about me. How is your diet going?
Hey April,
lol, I do the same thing. I think about how great it will be to go into the mall and shop in the "normal" size stores. Finding stuff to fit now is such a pain, and hardly anything is cute, and getting a good fit is even harder!!!! I can't wait until I can go to a yoga class, or get back into taebo. Frankly now I am just to big, and to out of shape to do much else than walk.
My diet is.... not going to well. I was 264 when I started, a month later I had gained 6 pds!!! I don't know what it is about being on a "diet" but they make me want to eat more than I normally would, because I think that I can't. LOL, I don't know. So then Christmas happened, and everyone with the parties trying to feed you.... My goal was to loose at least the 6 pds that I had gained ( how lame is that ) and I have I'm back at 265, so 1 pd away. I guess that's pretty modest for a whole month, but hey, it's better than gaining Since the New Years I have been really active about my diet, I want to loose 10-15 pds before surgery. Anyway I'd better stop typing now before this gets any longer!!!
Take Care,