Help! Should Care Change?
I have a friend that is doing a study of pre- & post- care. His question is ... If you could, what would you do differently if you knew then what you know now?
Please be frank & brutually honest. For that reason, if you don't wish to post here you can email your responses directly to me at [email protected].
This is purely for research purposes, no names, or any other personal information would be used. He's interested in knowing what you would like to see change with regard to care... Body, spirit, diet, socially ... everything.
In advance, thanks for your help!
The one thing I would have liked to have seen was a visit from the nutritionist while I was still in the hospital post-op. As a pre-op, you don't think of all the questions you come up with post-op. Neither my insurance nor my surgeon "require" nutritionist visits post-op and since they aren't covered by insurance, I haven't been able to go. I did get to talk to her at a support group meeting, which was very helpful.