Well, my hubby and I always had a pretty healthy sex life. After my daughter was born and I gained that extra 30 pounds I just didn't always feel like it. Well after surgery I noticed I was getting back my sex drive and I "feel" like it alot more often than I did. Now I am noticing a difference in my hubby. He has never been real affectionate. He will hold my hand some, hug me some, kiss me some, but never really been a touchy person. Here lately he is always hugging me, wanting to hold my hand, touching my face. (He just came in here and read this so now I am blushing!) He is just more affectionate. He always wants "lovings" more often too. The perv actually installed mirrors over our bed yesterday while I was gone to the new Harry Potter movie with our son! Can u believe that? In regards to the weight loss and sex, I am feeling more bones than I used too. By bones I mean, I can feel him, well, I don't mean this in a bad or nasty way but I he kind of smashes me more than he used too in certain positions. Any one else notice their partners wanting it more or just being more affectionate? Adam is also becoming somewhat insecure. We have never really be jealous of one another but he is kind of starting to be pretty jealous. I hope he gets over that. I love him, I want him. I will always love him. No matter how much weight I lose he is my husband and the one I love. God gave him to me and I won't disrespect our marriage vows or him by flirting or screwing around with someone else. Anyway, point of my post, sex for me post op is incredible! The new HP movie was great too!