Questions of the Week?
My daily question is turning into weekly questions!
. I have been busy lately. I traveled to Gatlinburg over the weekend. It was beautiful. I envy
to you who live in the mountains - although I only see the good parts of it, I am sure there are bad parts (like winter). I hope everyone is doing great and getting ready for the holidays. Hopefully the questions are letting you get to know everyone a little better. I know I feel like I know you. Does anyone know if there will be an OH convention close to TN anytime soon? They sound like fun. Ok, here goes some questions:
1) Favorite Season?
2) Your worst quality (come on- you can be honest with us!)?
3) Your biggest pet peeve?
4) If you won the lottery, what would you do?
5) Do you have any animals?
My answers:
1) I am probably one of the few winter lovers. I hate to be hot so I don't like the summer too much.
2) As you probably already know about me - my worst quality is being impatient (especially in traffic
). I am working on it.
3) There are several but I definitely hate fingernail biting.
4) After I passed out from shock - I would travel! And I would contribute time and money to the charities I believe in. But I would NOT work a job for someone else ever again. I would become my own boss.
5) One Cat. I would like to get a small dog soon.
Hi Misty,
1. My favorite season is Fall. The air seems clearer, the trees are beautiful, and the temp is perfect for light sweaters (not too hot and not too cold).
2: I guess it's probably my lack of patience for what I consider nonsense. To some it's important but I may dismiss it as nonsense. People take it personal or consider it as if I have a noncaring attitude and lack patience. But that's not true at all.
3. Rude inconsiderate folk. Don't you just hate it when you call someones name and they respond "What!" or when someone blows there nose at the dinner table in a restaraunt?
4. I would actually share my wealth. I know folks that have worked hard all thier lives and have nothing to show for it. Honest, hardworking people that can't seem to get ahead...that single mom doing it by herself, of that single dad doing it all by himself...that retiree that keeps picking up part time jobs just to make it. I would definitely share my wealth.
5. No pets.
OK, Here goes!!
1.-Spring, I just love the warm weather after all the cold. Plus, my B-Day is in April!!
2.-Hyper, I seem to chat,piddle, e mail stuff of this sort a lot. Gosh, I just love to talk.
3.- Lying, stealing. If you want or need something, please just ask. If I don't have it, I will TRY to get it. But, Don't lie to get whatever it is.
4.- I would buy my Mom & sister a house. Also, all the rest of my family. I guess I would travel also.
5.- YES, YES, YES!!! I have my Angel, Jupie. A dog. But is more my child!! I LOVE her!!