Tomorrow is my Pych Eval....
Hey Everyone!!! Just thought that I'd check in and tell ya what's going on. Well I'm doing really good health wise, as far as the blood problem I had a bit ago. All the doc's I've seen have said I'm looking really good, and it's ok to go ahead with surgery. I'm on my supervised diet.... which has not been going very well. I try to write things down as I eat them, but I hardly remember. I mostly look back trying to remember what I ate last Wed or whatever,lol. I really need to get motivated, but it's so hard for me. Other than that my pych eval is tomorrow. It's at some place called Athina ( I'm not sure if that's how it's spelled ) Anyway it's off of West End, above the Baha Freash. Did any of you have yours there? I'm wondering what type of questions they ask, I've never really had anything like this done before. I guess I'll be fine! I'll tell ya all how it goes!