Nutritionist in Knoxville??
Your surgeon will set you up with a nutrionist. You usually see them just before surgery. Each surgeon is different. One that Missy has uses a nutrionist that requires 3 visits before surgery and 2 afterwards. Others, hold two classes just before surgery, mine only once just before surgery. You will be working with the one your surgeon sends you to. Best of luck, Kathy
Thanks Kathy,
I know I can go to the ones in Johnson City, but I wanted one closer. A 2 hour drive is more than I want to do to see a NUT. 2 hours is 1 way. I will have 4 hours on the road. I HAVE to go there for the support & Pre-Op meetings, but can go to a Nut. in Knox. if I can find one. I am hoping I can find one here.