It's been a while
Hi everyone,
It's been about 5 weeks since I've been online. It's been a crazy time at my office, and I've taken up ballroom dancing ; which fills up most of my evenings. By the time I get home; I am ready to crash and burn.
I found out this week that UnitedHealth approved my surgery, gastric-bypass. I am now just waiting to hear something from Dr. Melvin's office. My hope is to have surgery the first week of January. That will be the best time for my famiy to come take care of me, as well as the best time for my office. I'm in accounting and I can't get take the chance of getting to close to April 15.
I promise I will try and do better with checking in. I sure do like the roll call idea. It's nice to see so many people posting.
Take care and best wishes to you all,