It's Friday and time to check in........
Hi Everyone. Missy says hi. She's just been busy getting things done around the house that needed to be done, other then that she's done great. Her faith in God keeps her calm and not a bit nervous. Let's remember to keep her in our prayers when she has her surgery on Monday morning at 7:30. Don't forget to go to her profile and send her a message on her surgical page. She will be given those messages after surgery.
I will be in touch with the hospital and her husband and will keep y'all updated on her progress.
Y'all have a great day, it's pretty outside so enjoy it. Always here, kathy
Hi Sara, I have come up with a great idea, instead of my renting a washer, should have bought me one back in June when I had the money. But I really hate doing dishes and it's hard to get my wheelchair close enough to the sink, so I am renting me a dish washer, can I take a clothes pin and pin my undies to the racks and wash clothes and do dishes at the same time? I don't have enough to make a super load, and just a little too much for a small load. Do you think the clothes would come clean in a dish washer? It sounds like a good plan to me. LOL, Glad you checked in.