Hi, from Tennessee
Hi, I have an appointment to see Dr. Dyer in Nashville on Nov. 10th. Have never met him, I met Dr. Olsen at the seminar in Nashville a few weeks ago, I was really impressed by him. Anyone that has had surgery done by Dr. Dyer, I would love to hear how you liked/dislike him. Any info will be greatly appreciated.
Howdy Lisa,
I am not familiar with your Doc. What hospital is he affiliated with? Mine is Dr. Wright at Vanderbilt. Dr. Olsen sound familiar....What type of surgery are you having? Nov. 10th must be a magic day cause Kathy goes to see her Doc. that day too!!
I just wanted to say Howdy and Good Luck on your journey ....may it be speedy and healthy...
Christy Dawn Light
Live Beautiful
HI Christy,
Dr. Dyer practices at Centennial Medical Center. I have heard of Dr. Wright, a friend of mine from Morristown used him back a few years ago. She is doing ok. I am wanting to have the RNY. but will know more on the 10th I also have my physc eval for the next morning in Nashville too. I hope everything goes good, I have been researching this for over 6 years now, have had a lot of health problems last 3 years so if I am going to do I better do it now before I get cold feet.
Thanks for the reply.