Tennessee Roll Call...
Hey woman, what's up? I'm in, saw chiropractor today, whatever he's doing with that vibrator on my lower back sure makes me feeeeeeeeellllllll good. Less numbing in my legs and hands. How's your day been? I'm ready to go to bed. Got up at 8am thinking my appointment was at 10am and it was for 2pm. I really need a huge calendar so I can see things in larger print then the little one in my purse.
Love ya, kathy
Hey Kathy
Did you just start going to the chiropractor ??
Sounds like he's wanting to try and relax those muscles of yours.
Does it help you any ??.
My day has been busy
My feet are killing me
I did'nt know just how long my bedroom would take to clean and to find out sure was'nt something I had in mind !
Hope everything goes Ok for you tomorrow
Love Ya