Tenncare People
Tenncare people, here is some info. that was sent to me in an email.
Since you have contacted my office to express your concern over the TennCare program changes, I wanted to pass along to you the most recent information I have.
The reductions in TennCare, as you know, are an action of the Governor's. Any change to that will have to come from him or at least have his support.
When we ended session in 2004, we were assured by (and supported) the Governor that changes to TennCare would be in the realm of benefit realignment (bringing the governmental program in line with private healthcare programs) and removing those that were abusing the system/fraud. We were all shocked with the announcement of the removal of 323,000.
I was one of 5 legislators working (at the 11th hour - Dr. Hensley's bill) on an alternative plan to the "safety net". As you know, that plan failed. I have also worked to help find alternatives or assistance to all we can.
The following is the most recent information that may be of assistance in our ongoing efforts to provide services and information to Tennesseans who are losing TennCare coverage and the hundreds of thousands of Tennesseans without health insurance, we have created Health Options. It is a resource center about existing and emerging healthcare safety net services in communities across Tennessee. Already, Tennesseans are taking advantage of the Health Options web site (www.tnhealthoptions.org) and the toll free number 888-486-9355. We would now like to encourage you to sign up for Health Options Update, an electronic messaging system to deliver new information about safety net services. We encourage you to sign up for this service and to forward this e-mail to as many interested Tennesseans as you would like.
Local pharmacies are participating in two new safety net services and an initial list of participants in the pharmacy network. These pharmacies have generously agreed to participate in both the Rx Outreach program that provides free generic drugs for those Tennesseans losing TennCare coverage and the insulin transition service for insulin dependant TennCare enrollees who are losing coverage. We are working hard to get information to effected individuals, to providers, local elected officials, community leaders, members of the faith community and others. I hope this information is helpful.
Rep. Donna Rowland