Where Is Dr.Kathy Newton??
Ok Dr.Kathy,
I have some complaints...
My ankles are swollen some and it does'nt wanna go down any.
My back is killing me !!
I have a nagging pain on the left side of my back that radiates right around underneath my left breast
Well, I wanted your thoughts on these complaints
Also wanted to know how you are feeling ??.
Love Ya
Missy Lea
Hi Missy, reporting for duty. I am ok, as long as I don't stand up or lean forward and put pressure on my bowels. One polp, laughed when the Dr. released me from the hospital, he says no cancer. I already have cancer of the blood and bone marrow. That's enough for me. Lay off the salt products and see if that doesn't help. I would also let your Dr. know about this and the pain from around your back and under your left breast. There's a heart there. My left ankle swells if I get sodium in my system as that builds up fluids around my heart, called congestive heart disease. I know that's what salt or anything high in sodium like that Citrate I had to drink several times yesterday. I am really swollen from the high sodium content, not good when I am on blood pressure meds. Today my blood pressure was up high because of it. Can I put my license back in the chest now??
Let me know what happens. Love ya, Kathy
oops toot toot