Obesity and Anemia???
So I went to my pcp on Wed. to get my yearly exams and my referal to Dr. Hadi, for friday. The had done some blood work on me earleir this week, and the results came back that I am serverly anemic... they took even more blood and ran it again... they were worse the second time. Has anyone else experienced these types of results? I don't understand how I can be obese and considered anemic.... There doing some more tests and I should know more by sat. I hope this doesn't delay me in my wls... Has anyone else been told they were anemic, while obese?
Thanks Ya'll
After I saw Dr. Hadi, he ordered a series of lab work. I went to my PCP to get the labwork completed. He said I was anemic and odered Iron treatment for me. I took the Iron supplements while I completed the 3 month study. I had to have my levels tested again before I saw Dr. Hadi the 2nd time (after my 3 months). My labs came out fine and did not slow down my process. I still have somewhat low Iron now, but I am taking a prescription Iron that is design to be absorbed better post-surgery.