12 hours to go
I know I should be in bed, but between the anxiety attacks, the nerves, and my bowels, I don't thing I'll get much sleep. I will update regarding the Oncologists reports when I get them in 12 hours. There are butterflies in my stomach that keep fluttering around. Trust me when I say I am terrified that he will give me bad news like I have Acute Leukemia, instead of Chronic. Acute leaves little time to live, chronic I could go years before I would have to go on chemo. Seeing Dr. Colquitt for surgery all depends on the bone marrow results when I see the Dr. at 4:30pm. Please keep me in your prayers.
Love Kathy
I know it's hard trying not to be nervous. You're on the prayer list at my church so I know you're in lots of prayers everyday.
I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, we may never know the reason but there is one. Also, God won't give you a challenge without giving you access to the tools with which to face it. I know you're ready to step up and meet the challenges before you now.
Keep up the good fight and please know that there are a lot of people here supporting you.