Coverage of Bariatric Surgery in Tennessee!
Attention Tennessee Patients: Your Urgent Action is Needed!
TennCare proposes exclusion of bariatric surgery
If TennCare excludes bariatric surgery, that opens the door for other insurers to drop the coverage as well. Regardless of what type of insurance you have, this is worth doing.
TennCare, Tennessee's healthcare program for those who are Medicaid eligible, recently proposed an exclusion for bariatric surgery. On Tuesday, August 16, a hearing will take place to determine whether
or not bariatric surgery will be excluded as a covered benefit of TennCare. We encourage patients (both those pre-op and post-op bariatric surgery patients) along with their families and friends,
to contact the following TennCare decision makers to remove the proposed exclusion. Please be sure to submit all comments prior to the TennCare hearing on August 16, 2005.
Wendy Long, MD, TennCare Medical Director
Address: State of Tennessee, Bureau of TennCare, 310 Great Circle
Road, Nashville, TN 37243
Telephone: 615-507-6499
Fax: 615-253-6244
E-mail: wendy.long@...
J.D. Hickey, MD, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Finance &
Address: State of Tennessee, Bureau of TennCare, 310 Great Circle
Road, Nashville, TN 37243
Telephone: 615-507-6482
Fax: 615-741-0882
E-mail: j.d.hickey@...
George Woods, Regulatory Affairs Coordinator
Address: State of Tennessee, Bureau of TennCare, 310 Great Circle
Rd, Nashville, TN 37243
Telephone: 615-507-6446
Below, you will find a list of do's, don'ts, facts about obesity in Tennessee and a sample letter. In addition, we suggest you include the following information:
If you are a post-bariatric patient, please share in your letter the difference bariatric surgery has made in your life from both a quality of life and health standpoint. For instance, if you are no longer a diabetic, you now take a reduced number of medications and/or no longer suffer from sleep apnea.
If you are seeking bariatric surgery, detail why you are interested in surgery and what health complications you are currently experiencing.
If you received or are planning your surgery under TennCare, please include if you are a TennCare patient. If you are no longer a TennCare patient after successful surgery, please include this information as well.
Facts about Obesity in Tennessee
In 2004, 25 percent of Tennesseans were obese.
In 2003, an estimated $1.8 billion was spent in Tennessee on adult obesity.
Individuals who are obese have a 50 to 100 percent increased risk of premature death from all causes, compared to individuals with a healthy weight.
Facts about Bariatric Surgery
Extends the lives of patients.
Causes significant weight-loss.
Decreases the incidence of obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension.
Write legibly and be brief and to the point.
Mention the exclusion of bariatric surgery proposed for TennCare.
Give your reasons for opposing the proposed exclusion of bariatric surgery.
Be courteous and reasonable.
Be sure to address the individual by the correct title.
Include all of your contact information.
Double check your information for accuracy.
Use correct grammar and complete sentences.
If typing your letter, remember to use a spell check feature.
Include your personal story.
Write a follow-up letter thanking the individual.
Try not to be longwinded.
Avoid a righteous tone.
Refrain from apologizing for writing or for taking valuable time.
Do not threaten anyone.
Keep the letter to one issue. Try not to mention more than one.
Do not demand anything from the individual.
Avoid form letters.
Do not refer or allude to politics as sleazy or dishonorable.
Sample Letter
Below, please find a sample letter that will help you get started.
Your Full Name
Your Full Address
Your City, State and Zip
Your Phone Number with Area Code
Current Date
Insert Above Individual's Name Here
Individual's Address
Individual's City, State, Zip
Dear Title (Dr., Mr., Ms.),
In your first paragraph, mention the following points:
1. You are writing to request that the proposed exclusion of
bariatric surgery from TennCare be removed.
2. Discuss how this specific issue affects you and your family.
In your second and third paragraphs, mention the following items:
1. Further elaborate how the issue affects or has affected you.
2. Share your personal connection with the issue in question.
(Remember to remain brief. A short letter can accomplish just as much as a long one.)
In your last paragraph, discuss the following closing items:
1. Urge them to remove the exclusion of bariatric surgery from
2. Request that the individual write you back, informing you on
their position regarding the issue.
3. Thank the individual.
Your Full Name