Just wanted to share something with ya'll

on 8/3/05 2:16 pm - 'boro, TN
Hey Everyone! In my research I ran across this website, so I thought I would share it with you. I am still convienced this surgery is for me, I just like to hear about things from both the good and the bad side of things, and I thought you might too. http://gastricbypass.netfirms.com/
Kathy Newton
on 8/3/05 5:56 pm - LaVergne, TN
Thank you Jacqueline. This is very informative, but I feel most won't read or take the time to really check it out. The seminar the other day for Dr.'s Ray and Colquitt out of Knoxville, look more at a patient who has taken two years to research this surgery. I have been at it over 2 years and still don't feel I have done enough research. I have seen 11 different surgeons, countless psychs, tests, seminars and still feel confused about the data. Each one sees things differently. Each surgeon tells of the good things, and the risks but don't really go into detail about the complications that could and would happen. They want us to be informed, but they are the ones not informing us they way they should. I read the Memorial section regarding to Momma Angel. She died shortly after I joined this board. I felt honored that she had posted on my surgery page just before she died. Again thank you. Love Kathy
(deactivated member)
on 8/4/05 8:24 am - Yakima, WA
you should be aware that that website is owned by an anti-wls person. She has been openly against it for 4 years (that I know of) and used to be a chapter president for NAFFA - which has also taken an anti-wls stance. Just an FYI. Lots of propaganda....
on 8/4/05 9:39 am - 'boro, TN
I know most won't take the time to check it out, It's my own personal opinion that I need to feel comfortable with having this surgery to take in the good, and understand the bad. Even if a site may be run by an openly anti-wls person, the site does share stories of people that have had complications, even dealth, so like I said before, I am still conviced that this surgery is quite successful and has saved the lives of countless people, but for my own personal peace of mind I just wanted to be informed of what could possibly happen and what has happened to others. So that if god forbid I do have a complication I could never say, that, well no one ever told me, or I never heard that. That's just me though! My desire to post this link was not to try and sway any ones opinion on the wls, but to share something that I found interesting and helpful, and that made me think about the other side of things.
Ada W.
on 8/4/05 11:44 am - Rogersvill, TN
Just wanted to say thanks for posting this site. I am considering wls and, like you, I want to know EVERYTHING I possibly can before I make my decision. Again, THANKS!!
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