Any surgeons in Chattanooga that take Tncare Select?
Hi--new one here! I joined a few months ago, but I am the world's worst procrastinator and I have TYSON stamped across my big ol' butt--Yes, I am a certified CHICKEN! Anyway, I have started the ball rolling again, this time full steam ahead --only right now I'm at a loss. I have all my tests lined up(even the ones I avoided scheduling before), and now I can't find a surgeon who accepts Tncare in Chattanooga. Does anyone know where I can find one, or do you know if I'll have to go to Nashville or Knoxville? Also, I'd appreciate ANY input on how to deal with Tncare--my doc says they're a mess, so I'm gonna get all my eggs in order before hand. I don't deal well with disappointment--LOL
Twyla, I don't know about Chatt. or much about the Dr.'s in the Nashville area, but the two I know of in Knoxville, one charges $3000 up front fees, and Dr. Colquitt only accepts TnCare if you have another insurance like medicare as the primary. The best thing to do, is look on the back on your TnCare card, call the customer service number and ask for a case manager. One will be assigned to you, this person can help you with surgeons who may accept TnCare. Another way is on this board, click on the tab at the top or even on the left of the scream on Find A Doc, or Bariatric Surgeons, check out the surgeon and see what insurance he or she may accept or has excepted. Then call the office to find out for sure. With TnCare cutbacks, several friends on this board are worried, they will not be able to have the surgery, and a lot of Surgeons are no longer taking it, as there is no security in the program. Don't be discouraged, there is someone out there for you, but you will have to do the leg work per say. Best of luck on your journey. Kathy
At last check there are no longer any surgeons in Chattanooga that accept TNCare for Bariatric surgery. There was one at memorial hospital's program a few yrs back. Dr.Vanderbilt. But I don't believe he is doing it anymore. I had to go to Clarksville but evidently Tncare didn't like the idea of all these ppl going to Clarksville and have limited my surgeon to new patients that live in Counties that touch the county she is in. What Kathy said is right about case management. Its the way I had to go to find a surgeon. After I was assigned a case manager she had a surgeon for me a month later and had made sure that this surgeon would take me. She also followed me through until I was what the considered "completely recovering" after surgery which turned out to be about a yr after she had been assigned to me. Im not sure about what your diagnosis is but when I called for case management they asked me for my diagnosis and I told them severely morbid obesity. I also explained that my PCP was unable to find a surgeon for me. They did all the foot work for me. Even helped when it came time for me to find a nurologist (for the sleep study, and he is in chattanooga) and for my dietician consult (had to go to Clarksville) for that. Hope this helps. Also feel free to email me if you wish. *huggles*