I have had the nausea when I was a few weeks out. Your are still not far out and it is normal. Believe me it will get better. My surgeon gave me phenergan for the nausea in liquid form to help. You can ask your surgeon something for the nausea. I wish I had more suggestions on how to help with the nausea but I do know it will pass and get better.
Is there one particular food that you can identify that seems to be causing the nausea? Also, are you weighing your food? Sometimes eating just one bite too much and cause nausea (speaking from experience there). If it continues or gets worse, please go see your surgeon right away.
Good luck
Lap RNY 3/21/05
I was the queen of post-op nausea. 24 hours after I was discharged from having the surgery, I had to go back to the ER as I couldn't keep anything down. I was re-admitted and spent 6 more days in Vanderbilt and finally ended up going home with a feeding tube in my old stomach. Over a period of about 6-8 weeks, I weaned myself from getting all my nutrition by tube to eating and drinking. I also was taking three different anti-ulcer meds on a routine basis. And still today at 9+ months out there are certain foods I cannot eat without throwing up. My surgeon finally just threw up his hands and labeled me a weirdo who was especially sensitive to foods.
Why don't you give your surgeon a call nd see if they can call in an anti-emetic? Also watch your urine output; if it declines greatly or stops, then you're dehydrated.
Good luck.
Open RNY 10/19/04
I found out after surgery that I could not handle anything with Aspartame (nutrasweet, sweetnlow, etc..) Turns out that for some reason it made me nausous. Yet that is what is contained in a lot of the things my surgeron told me I could have. Such as the sugar free cool aid and a few other sugar free items. I found that I can tolerate small amounts of sugar so what I would do is like for kool aid. make a gallon with warm water and only use 1/8 cup instead of two cups. the kool aid comes out just as sweet with less sugar used. Hope this helps..
Hey Janella,
I was just reading thru the older post and saw your post. I thought I was the only human to be sick so long after surgery. I am almost six months out and I still have days when the smell of food makes me sick!! My surgeon gave me some phenegan gel that you rub on your wrist when you start feeling sick. It takes about 30 minutes for it to kick in, but it has been well worth having. It is just like my American Express. I don't leave home without it!! Good Luck.