Had my sleep study
Hello everyone. Just an update, I had my sleep study last night. I found out (unofficially) that I do have sleep apnea although I don't know how severe it is. My tech told me my oxygen level was like 80, whatever that means. (She said she's seen a lot worse). I kinda figured I had it but to hear that I do definitley have it is kinda scary and depressing. I have to go back next month to have the CPAP sleep level test, or whatever it's called. That scares me even more cuz I have heard horror stories about wearing that mask! I read one woman's profile who said she had severe panic attacks while trying to wear the mask becuz she felt like she was suffocating and felt restrained in that mask and not being able to breathe from your mouth. I am afraid I will also feel like that becuz I am somewhat claustrophobic and I also tend to breathe out of my mouth when I sleep. Also, I did NOT sleep well during the sleep study. I was so miserable and could not get comfortable becuz I felt restrained from all the wires. I am a restless sleeper anyways and toss and turn a lot and I couldn't do that with all of the wires attached to me so everytime I tried to roll over I woke myself up! Also, those things that go up your nose sucked!!! It bothered me so bad! They kept tickling my nose and making it itch! And I sleep either on my side or on my belly and I just could not get comfortable because those wires and tape would go up further in my nostrils and would rub up against there. It just really sucked and I am dreading having to go back for the CPAP test. Although the tech I had was great and really sweet and she really tried to help me to be comfortable. Oh and one more thing, my head was actually BLEEDING in the morning when she took off those wires! Is this normal?!? Now my scalp is sore and tender where that thing was. I am sorry to sound so negative in this post but I know I am amongst friends here and just wanted to post my experience with this. A lot of people said the sleep study was a piece of cake and they slept like babies, but that was not the case for me. Plus I found the room to be stuffy. I found out in the morning that my tech was cold so she turned up the heat (I think she meant the AC so that it would shut off)! Can u imagine doing that in the midst of summer?!?!? Next time I might take a personal fan! Of course I am always hot anyways. Ok, now I am started to ramble so I will go for now. lol Thanks for reading!
Tammy I am sorry for your bad experience. I've never had anything put in my nose for the study. The level test will be hooked up the same way, but they will be adjusting the amount of air when you become restless. Oxygen level is good as long as it stays in the 90's. Your's being in the 80's shows your oxygen level dropped. Probably why you are a restless sleeper. I drop when I am asleep. When I've had surgery, for a day procedure been hospitalized because my oxygen level would drop below 90%. They may put you on an oxygen boost with your cpap. As for the mask, it can be hard to adjust. When you are just resting, put it on, sleep with it when you nap, or every other night for about a week. They also have full mask that covers the nose and mouth for those who breath with their mouth. I have two of them, one is for when I am very stuffed up and can't breath, the other I just got. Since having my teeth and gums surgically worked on, I can't wear the mask. So I've just been on oxygen since Feb. It will take time getting used to the mask, but then you will start noticing that you sleep better and feel more restful during the day, and sleepy during the day when you don't wear it. If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask. Oh, ask for the gel mask. You can boil it to make it fit better for you. What you don't want is air leaking. Then you aren't getting the full benefit of the machine, and that can be fatal. Sleep apnea is a serious problem especially with obese persons. It's a silent killer, because when you are sleeping, you actually quit breathing, then gasp to breath, may snore real loud, force yourself to rest every day for about an hour and wear the mask. It really will help you. After you have your surgery, you may never have to wear it again after about a week from surgery. So think positive that this is going to help you, and you may not have to do for very long. Always Kathy
Dear Kathy,
Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I have been really busy and finally found the time to sit down and catch up on my emails and posts! lol But I wanted to thank u for responding to my post with so much wonderful information! I really do appreciate it. I too sleep with my mouth open so I may need the full mask but I really don't want that if I can get away with one of the other smaller devices. I think I might panic with something over my mouth and nose with air blowing at me!
lol Do u really feel the air blowing at u and is it hard to catch your breath? I would think my 1st reaction to having air blown up my nose or down my throat would be to try to block it by holding my breath or something!?!? I dunno, guess I will find out soon enough. But anyways, thank u so much for the info and for trying to help me!
You are so thoughtful and always try to help everyone out! Thanks for being so sweet!
Take care,
Hi Janella!!! How are you doing? Thanks for responding to my post.
I am so sorry it has taken me forever to respond back to everyone. It is crazy
to think what we have to go through just to get our surgery and to be healthy! And people think we are taking the "easy way out" by having WLS!?!?!? Crazy huh? Oh well, we know better and that's all that matters! So
to them! lol I hope you continue to do well with your weight loss.
Take Care,
I have sever sleep apnea my sat dropped to 72 which is what they intubate you at in the hospital. I love my cpap because I sleep horrible for so long. You will get over it. Most importantthing is a good fit and the right mask.. there are lots andlots of different kinds... look online alot.Ive had two different kinds and Im not all together happy with either...looking to get a new one. Both were gel and very comfy but deteriorated very quickly and got sticky.I am interested in the kind that just goes UP opr under (not sure) your nose. I have a very small nose and wear a pediatric mask. the fitting is SOOO important...try them allllll on. if it presses too much on your upper lip dont get it... if ANYTHING feels more pressure than the other places then ask for a different mask. I cannot stress how important the fit and mask are. Then its discipline. You will probably get usedto the great sleep quickly... if you have a partner it can be embarrassing but you just gotta deal with it. ... hope I helped....TRUE
Hi True! Sorry it took me so long to respond back to u. I have had a lot going on. But I wanted to thank u for all of the great info about the different kinds of CPAP masks. I too have a small nose so I will be sure to keep what u said in mind when choosing a CPAP mask. Thanks again. By the way, do u know if insurance companies pay for these masks? If not, how much do they cost?
Boy can I relate to you.. Had my sleep test
last nite and I hated it.. Same thing, couldn't sleep good because of all the wires and kept waking up.
The room was ok and I the temp was fair I just could not go to sleep and stay asleep . I finally slept a few hours I think. Tech said I may have to come back for the other test also... I don't think so.
.. She said I had a few episodes but not a lot.. I have to go talk to the doctor about the results next week. I had no idea that they wired you up the way they did. I look like I had glue in my hair after they took the wires off and yes my head is sore in those spots. I wonder if they take into consideration that you probably aren't breathing right because your so up tight!!! At least that is all the test that is required for me to do in order to see a surgeon...
What we have to go through just to get this surgery huh? Boy do I dread going back for the CPAP sleep test. My tech told me I'd be wired up the same as the 1st test with the addition of the CPAP mask!!! Ugh... And yes, that was glue in your hair, I had it in mine too!
What an experience huh? Oh well, we're one step closer. Take care.
Hi everyone. I had a sleep apnea test in April, and as my doctor suspected, I had it! Getting used to sleeping with the CPAP has been interesting! Some nights I sleep like a baby, until I wake up and inadvertently want to throw the thing out the window. Other nights, I just can't bear to use it at all. Anyhow, for those that don't like the thought of having a full mask, my doctor prescribed the "Breeze". It is just a little rubber piece that fits under your nose and is very non-obtrusive. My doctor said that any time I use it is helping me and that I should just keep trying a little bit every night.
Hang in there! A good nights sleep is worth the minor obtrusion of a CPAP.