The first thing I did was sleep. My med machine was constantly going off while I was in the hospital so I didn't get a good sleep while there. (I had a central line and I kept managing to get a kink in it.) However my second day home I was up and about. I did a little walking, washed some clothes (couldn't put them in the dryer though since Id have to bend). However keep in mind even though my procedure was done open I have a very high pain tolerence. Also the last pain med I had was the Tordoal (sp) shot they gave me the night before my discharge. I never took any of the pain med the surgeon prescribed for me when was discharged. A lot of what you can and will be willing to do just depends on you. I had to just remember that I have this huge incision and couldn't lift things or bend. Also the more you are out and about the quicker you recover and prevent clots. *huggles*