Good Morning. I am writing to ask if anyone from Knoxville or real close by would be interested in getting together in the evenings after 8pm weekdays to go workout with me. I joined COURT SOUTH last night and would absolutely LOVE to have someone go along for moral support and even some fun! They have an awesome club..and the lady who runs it is super nice..can't ask for any better! They have 3 different clubs and if a member, your membership is good in all 3 so you can go is open 24/7. They have pool, hottub, sauna, steam room, all the machines, and an indoor/outdoor track, raquetball, basketball, room for kids and even day care during certain hours. They offer so many classes too during the earlier hours.
My membership was only $57 mth for myself and my 2 teenage daughters which I felt was very reasonable! I have some free passes if anyone would like to go try it out with me once to see if it is what you would like.
I have NEVER gone to any club or done anything like this, it was not an easy decision, I am still so self conscious about people looking at me, but when I made myself go in last night, I realized this place was not like I had pictured in my head. Everyone was so sweet and noone was unkind in anyway! I am doing this for me and will go no matter what, but I would LOVE having a partner to go with..think it could be alot of fun! The more the merrier
Have a great day all.
God Bless!

I am in Knoxville (Halls area) and would absolutely LOVE a workout buddy. Unfortunately I don't have a Court South membership...I have a membership to the Y. The only thing I can offer is being a "walking buddy".... We could meet somewhere and walk? Let me know if you are interested, or if anyone else is a member of the Y looking for a workout buddy.