Me Again......question about returning to work
Sorry to you all......I'm sure I'll have a million posts with questions....please bear with me!
I've read some personal stories.....and have been told I can expect to return to work after 2 weeks. I'm having lap bypass......can I reasonably expect to be able to return to work within 2 weeks? I am a nurse practitioner and my work is not very strenuous at all. Please give me some ideas.....thanks!

Hi Tom, we're here to answer your questions. I have had to major lap surgeries, gall bladder, and a complete hysterectomy, and both times I was back at work in 2 weeks. On a part time basis for 2 weeks, no lifting heavier then a loaf of bread, that will keep the scar tissue down, and you will be week for a while, that's expected as your body will have gone thru some major work. Listen to your Dr. that's the best advice you can get. He/She will tell you when you can expect to go back to work, and what to expect, you know the do's and don'ts.
We can just let you know what we've been thru, and it may help you. You just post all you want and ask all you want. Someone is bound to know the right answer or how to find out. Always, Kathy
well I suppose you could return to work after 2 weeks tom , but I woudl advise against it. you r body needs time to heal itself and that healing will take about 3 to 5 months. I returned after 3 to 4 weeks and did just fine but my job is pretty sedentary. honestly I woudl take what ever time your allowed and give your body the time it needs to heal. dont ru****!