Hello all...
Well it has been quite a while since I ventured onto AMOS. Since my whole world was shot down two years ago it has been really hard for me to deal with not being able to have GBS.
I have blue cross and blue shield, but have applied for disability due to my weight problems (co-morbidities such as herniated L5, arthritis, my weight and asthma etc) I have been denied twice now and my advocate says now we go before a judge.
Seeing how I can only get around by wheelchair I dread this... but it is something I have to do.
If I dont get the disability I don't know what I am going to do. My husband bless his heart is so understanding through all of this.. I am lucky in that respect, but I just wonder if any of you had to file for disability before you got your surgery???
Any help you can give would be appreciate!!!!
God bless you all,