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Hi friends, My surgeon's office called to day to tell my which part of the hospital I have to go to see the surgeon. She said that they are looking at the end of March for my surgery. I just think that is great. Had to have all my teeth pulled yesterday. Now I talk funny. But the place I will be getting my dentures from prefers to wait until six weeks has passed before fitting me with new teeth. Now there is no way I can cheat when eating, cause I can't. Not used to just eating popsickles, pudding, and just plain olee liquids. I'll be used to that when I have my surgery. My jaws are so swollen, including the ear infection on the right side that I barely have a mouth. It also makes me talk funny. But hey, now I am the perfect granny. I have the belly, the long tied up hair, wire rim glasses, and no teath. I will know more about the surgery date in a couple of weeks. Y'all have a great weekend. God Bless everyone. Love Kathy