Need Insurance And Surgeon Info.Please Help...
Hi,My name is Wendy.I have been a member here for a while,but feel off the wagon of hope for a while.I am in Alamo Tn,which is close to Jackson,which is about hour and a half-2 hours from Memphis and about four from Nashville.I have TLC Medicaid.I was wondering if anyone has had the Mini Gastric Bypass with this type of insurance and who your surgeon was and if you could give me their number.To all out their on the losing side and not on the losing side yet,might I say keep up the fight! I gave up and I feel miserable for it.I won't give up this time.I need and want this just as I know many of you out there do.And what great people who put this site together.You have brought alot of people together and brought many friends into many people's lives who in some instances would really have no one.There's always someone here you can talk to.To all of you KEEP IT UP and GOOD LUCK and GOD BLESS!