Blue Cross Blue Shield --- Employee??
Brandy don't give up the fight. I understand what your saying about the company desiding what to exclude. That sucks but still don't give up. I am just wondering though how any insurance company or any company for that matter can exclude WLS surgery from their policy's since this year (2004) obesity was seen by the government as a diease. This should be some sort of grounds for people to have a law suit against any company that did not recognize obesity as such. Brandy try going onto the Lap Band forum and there is a lady on there that has posted in the past many helpful appeals to get the insurance to approve WLS. It is listed under MonicaH posted 10/09/2004 appeal letter. Also you may want to look into speaking with the lawyers that advertise here on the site. Good luck and don't give up. Nanna S
Thank you for the useful information. I looked up MonicaH and read her profile and found an appeal letter. She had a lot of great things to say. I live in Chattanooga and I found the website for Zach Wamp and sent a lengthy email to him. Who else should I write? And I know that so many people just have this negative image in their head that obese people are obese because they are lazy and because they haven't tried to exercise or diet. But what they don't realize is that obesity can be hereditary. And it's hard to fight. Obesity causes a lot of other health problems that actually can hinder a person from being able to exercise. And that they diets only work for so long. What they don't realize is that wls is a TOOL that will help us for the rest of our life. It is a tool that will help us to control our food intake so that we may start losing weight and get rid of all these other health problems and be able to exercise again. I went to the seminar here at Memorial Hospital and I met Dr. Jaime Ponce. What a terrific man! He had so many great things to say to me as I stood talking to him. It was very encouraging and very sincere. I hope that I can figure something out ....... And where should I look for the lawyers on here???
Dear Brandy,
I'm glad the information was helpful to you. And yes that is one thing they tell you at the seminar (or they did at mine) that society has a very bad misconception of obese people. There are alot of factors that go into anyone becoming obese. Health problems, heredity,etc. This is a tool to help us control our eating. And with most people I do believe it has been a successful tool. And this is not the easy route out like some may believe it is. We still have to do our part and work at it. I am so glad that you went to the seminar and that you liked the doctor. And I do believe that many things about the WLS and the struggle for people to get approved will change over the next few years. Especially after the insurance company's and employer's see the benefits of their clients/employee's becoming healthier,happier and more productive human beings. Hang in there and keep fighting , your health and well being is well worth it.
As far as the lawyers are concerned , The links that flash at the top of the main pages will show them sometimes. When you see one just click on that and it should take you to the information your looking for. But I have seen some that had to go that route and you will have to pay for them, I'm pretty sure. In the mean time. Write letters to your headquarters and state the benefits of them adding WLS into their policy for employees. Give them all the information you can find on the benefits of it. If your afraid to do this yourself then maybe you'd like to have some of your friends or family members write letters themselves to them. I believe the more facts that they can see and bottom line the more money they can save from this in the long run will go a long way to getting them to change their policy's. Best of luck to you and keep us updated.