I'm having some fear right now
Hi everyone,
This is my first post here I was posting in the LapBand section but as things go I'm not having the Band now. The girl at the Center put in for gastric by pass instead of the Lap Band (which I always wanted) and the insurance approved the gastric by pass and I didn't know that she had done that until I recieved my letter of approval. I left her phone messages but according to her she didn't get them...duh!!! If she try calling me back sometimes...geez!!! Anyway this was my appeal and all of this has taken me 6 months and I just can't handle starting over at square one again. So I'm going with the RNY...(We checked with the insurance and they said that Band is considered a different thing and we would have to start all over if I didn't go with the RNY)... But now here is the thing...I need to hear from some of you Post -op RNY'ers...I'm so nervous about this type...I read some of the profiles and most are great but then there are some who have had some problems..I mean big time problems (even died) And this is scaring me...I'm not easily scared...This is so unlike me and that scares me even more cause I'm not use to getting scared about things...My husband thinks I'm too calm about things normally...Oh, well, he wouldn't think so now if he was knowing how I'm handling this...I guess maybe it was I had my mind all set for the Banding and then this came up...I need some good , encouraging feed back...And I need all of your prayers...I go to see Dr. Dyer the 20th for my first consult...I have already did the psych...had to get it for the insurance with the appeal... Has anyone had Dr. Dyer for their surgeon?
Tell me all the steps I'll be going through ... Any advice will be so appreciated...And I have faith in the Lord to bring me through this...God Bless all of you. Sue

Hi sue, I'm a pre-op. A lot of the insurances won't pay for lap band but will for gastric and vice versa. Your Dr. is well respected and I have only heard great things about him. With the lap band, you lose the weight slower, need fill ins, one said that her insurance wouldn't pay for the fill-ins so she had to fork out over 800.00 herself. It's not a permanent where as the gastric is. As long as you are trusting God, you have nothing to fear but fear itself. Dr. Dyer knows what he's doing, so trust him completely, he's your co pilot God is your pilot. Merry Christmas and when you attend a seminar, you'll understand more about the procedures. Hugs, Kathy
Thanks Kathy,
I have only heard good things about Dr. Dyer also. It is the qualifing staff that I haven't been real pleased with...But I'm sure they are very busy.
I have already been to the seminar and psych...now scheduled to see Dr. Dyer Monday. The young lady emailed me and said she didn't think it would take too long to get approval from insurance if she resubmitted my info. So I emailed her back with a few questions and told her if the answer was yes to go for it...But I haven't heard back from her..I'll try calling her voice mail tomorrow so I'll know what to tell Dr. Dyer Monday or if I should reschedule until I know what type I'm able to do. I researched WLS for over 2 years now and I only had peace of mind with the Banding. Of course none of them are easy and only a tool. Thanks again for your reply and Take care and God Bless you..Sue
You appealed and won to get the bypass done..... if your insurance covers the lap-band procedure it shouldn't be that difficult to have them approve it. I don't believe it's the surgery itself but rather the necessity of surgery for the individual that the insurance company approves (which they've already done). If you are this uncomfortable with the bypass I don't think resubmitting paperwork would be much of a price to pay. Obvioulsy you already have all the information and have meet the requirements....... This has been your choice up until now; don't let impatience change that. Keep a cool head with the insurance company and with Centennial but rant as much as you want here! Hang in there and do what YOU want to do.
Thanks Michael,
The young lady at Centennial emailed me and told me that it shouldn't take as long this time round and if I wanted her to she would refile for me. I emailed her back with a few questions and if the answer was yes then go for it. Your right and I am so much more at ease with the Banding. I guess I was just so stressed and felt like I've waited for ever. So far I haven't heard back from Lisa but will try her voice mail tomorrow because she never answers the phone...Thanks again for your reply. Take care. Sue

Hi Tracey,
Thanks for your reply. I also have researched this WLS for over 2 years now. When I got the co-morbidities then there was no more thinking to do, it's do or die. Of course it all is in God's hands either way. I am a true believer though that you will have peace about the choice you make when it is the right one. And I totally had peace about the Banding. As I told others in other responses. I did get an email back from the young lady at the Center and she is suppose to resubmit my claim to the insurance for approval. She thinks that I shouldn't have to wait as long this time. I still haven't heard from her though and will try to contact her again to see what exactly is going on so I know what to tell Dr Dyer come monday or to reschedule if I need to wait. Thanks again for your reply and way to go on the weight loss...God Bless you..Sue
I had open RNY on July 19, 2004.
I am down 152lbs, and do not regreat a day of it. I have a friend who had his in January and is down 200lbs. I have another friend who had her surgery 2 to 3 years ago and has done great.
Yes there are risk and sometimes complications as you said even death. Obesity can have this side effect as well.
Good luck!
Thanks John ,
For replying. I have the comorbidities that goes along with the obesity. This could mean an early death. Of course that is always in God's hands. I believe though that the right choice for anyone to make is what gives them peace of mind (if possible). I think I was just stressing because this has seemed like such a long battle to get to the other side. I will fight to have the Banding done. And it's not that I think one type of WLS is better than another one but it is based on the individuals cir****tances.
Myself have decided that the Banding is right for me. But - if there is no way the insurance will approve me for this type surgery and I have to go with the RNY then that will be what I will do. I praise all who have had any type of the WLS for their success's and the courage it took to have the surgery. None of it is easy and all of them have their good and bad points to them. But all in all it is what makes us healthier and happier people. Lord knows I wish there was a miracle pill out there that everyone could take and be able to eat anything they want and still be slim, trim and healthy. Maybe someday that miracle will come along for others but right now seems like we still have the miracle of WLS..God Bless you and continued success...Sue