Extra, Extra read all about it
I saw Dr. Colquitt this morning, he knows what that x-file is, and is very positive regarding my having the surgery. I forgot to take with me my medical records, and Dr.'s letters so he told me to bring them with me to the seminar next Thursday evening and I'm to attend the support group right afterwards. He's about 1.5 hours drive and has informed me that for the second week I'm to stay in the area in case of an emergency. A year ago when I first heard of this surgery, my lung Dr. referred him to me, but when I heard $3000 had to be paid up front, I didn't go. Now he's dropped his fee to $500, $200 at the registration and $300 when I see the nurse, that's a lot for me to fork out at one time. Like my entire Social Security check that I pay the bills with. And with the holidays coming up, it would be hard. But I am determined to have this at all possible in January. I do believe I have actually found a surgeon. But don't want to get too excited, I rather hate disappointments these days. Please pray that this Dr. will follow thru and do my surgery. Hugs to all, Kathy