HELP- I NEED A PCP who is open minded!!!
I went to my PCP yesterday to just TALK to him about a referral. This has been a 2 year long discussion with my husband and family and now that everyone is on board and I have shown my husband all my research and convinced him that I should at least consider the possibility of the surgery, my PCP said " I have never done a referal for WLS and I am not about to start now. No amount of pleading or begging will make me change my mind." Needless to say I was CRUSHED!!! I have truly enjoyed his services but they are no longer needed after I complete my sleep apnea test he has scheduled for me. I know I will need that so I am going through with it until I can find someone else who is sensative to Obese patients and their struggles.
ANYWAY- now I have a problem because I have all this info and no PCP to help me see if I am a candidate for WLS. I do not want someone to rubber stamp my desires, I just want them to sit with me and look at my info and see if I fit the criteria and someone I can trust to be there for me when I need tests run or letters drafted and wage war if my ins (BC/BS select) denies me. I am in Sumner County and would love to keep my doctor there, but I can go to Davidson County and have already researched surgeons and hospitals. ANY SUGGESTIONS??? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
First Id call your insurance to see if your PCP has to be the one to refer you for the surgery. If not are there any other drs that you have seen regularly for the past 5 yrs or so?? Like a gyn/ob, asthma specialist, etc.?
My insurance didn't require a referal from anyone but the surgeon. I have BlueCare. However I was lucky enough to have a PCP and CNM that fully backed me and supported me. Also as far as tests go most of them that are needed Pre op can be ordered by the surgeon. Also quite a few surgeons also assist in the appeals process. Also Id suggest talking to the surgeons you have in mind (or thier office) to see if they know of any WLS friendly PCP's. *huggles* hope this helps.
My PCP is in the Vanderbilt network, but was also in my insurance. He was not only open-minded, he wrote a lettter to the insurance saying that I really needed the surgery as I could not lose what I needed to without it. He is in Nashville in the Green Hills area. Email me if you want more details.
Actually the surgical clerence depends on the surgeon. My PCP had absolutely nothing to do with mine. My surgeon sent me to the hospital that she uses for my pre surgery work up whi*****luded several blood tests and a UA. What determines your pre surgery work up is your current and past medical conditions. Also the surgeon can be the one to order the required tests it doesn't have to be a PCP in most instances.