The push is on
Hey everyone! Sorry it has been so long since I have posted, things have been busy with my internship. I have to drive two hours each way to get to the site, but it is well worth it. I LOVE the place I am at and they are encouraging me to be the best I can be. In fact, my field supervisor is pushing for me to get my butt in gear and have wls in Decembr. That way I can piggyback on Christmas break for my recovery time. So, I have an appointment for the psych eval on 10/15, go to a support group meeting tomorrow night, and have a doctor's appointment on Friday to set up a diet consult with a nutritionist. Please keep sending good thoughts this way so that I will have the appointment with Dr. Hruska soon and have an appointment for December!
Susan {!}
THANK YOU for keeping us posted. I am soooo glad that you are happy with the change in internship and that you have a supportive field supervisor that is encouraging you to be all you can be and have the WLS and begin the road to a healthier you. Good luck on your journey, and never forget you have buddies out here in cyber land that are pulling for ya! Hugs