Sleep Study
Hi Okemi,
well maybe i can help you some,yes you do spend the night and if you
have sleep apnea you have to go back for a second night to be fitted to the cpap machine and yes they do give you something for sleep if you need it.You can watch tv and you do not have to take a lot of stuff...
just your night clothes.I had to be thier at 8:00pm and at 9:00 they
started getting me hooked up to all the wires not bad.You can take a
shower in the morning if you want you almost have to.To get the stuff
out of your hair.Hope this helps you.
I have been on a cpap for over 3 years. I am allowed to take my regular medications, but they have never given me anything to help me sleep. The best thing is no caffeine that day, no naps, and nothing that will keep you awake, otherwise you will have to repeat the first part again. Most of the centers are very comfortable, the tv remotes have a sleep button to kick off. And the centers are very quiet to sleep by. The only suggestion, if you are used to falling asleep to the sound of a fan, take one with you. the rooms are cool, but I like a little air movement when I sleep. Best of luck to you sweetie. kathy