You know! I've been so busy with getting that site up - I totally forgot what today is...........
I'm 5 months post-op today and 122 pounds GONE FOREVER! WOW! I've had no complications, other then the hernia but all together -- I've been SO blessed! I just can't believe how fast time has gone by!
Anyways, just thought I'd share! Hehe... Hope ya'll are doing well!
Awwww *Big Hugs*
October will be here before you know it, darlin! I mean heck, it's already September! Whooa! Plus, we're saving you a seat over here on the big ol loser bench! Hehe...
By the way, you have an e-mail from me mister!
I just thought I'd let ya know, incase you have a junk mail filter on your account. I had to take mine off recently! Grr!